Home News how you can fall into spiritual attack

how you can fall into spiritual attack

by City People

Life can be a bit difficult to navigate sometimes. For many, it has been one hell of a task. But still, making a success of life remains everyone’s dream. Those who have a clear idea of what they want in life and how they want to go about it set out ways to accomplish their goals. Sometimes, things work out the way we want, sometimes they don’t. But what many do not realize is that, often times, the type of people that surround you can determine how successful you will become in life. But it is a different thing entirely if you have around you those that despise you, enemies that want nothing but failure and humiliation for you. Worse still, you may mistakenly fallen into trps of spiritual attacks you probably got yourself into unknowingly. If you have such problems plaguing your life, then you have to be very careful and watchful. You must be prepared for any spiritual or physical onslaught from this kind of people. MFM General Overseer, Dr. Daniel Olukoya has identified ways by which Christians sometimes get themselves into spiritual battles or attacks they did not bargain for. He describes the siuation as ‘carrying evil load.’ Read the text below and let its spiritual message envelope you. Hear Dr. D.K. Olukoya:

“It is unfortunate but I am sorry to let you know that there are many people who are carrying evil loads that do not belong to them. Sometime ago, at a crusade, we were praying one prayer point that says, “Any owner of evil load, carry your load, in the name of Jesus.” There was a 39-year old sister there who had never experienced her menstrual period. She went to the back and started praying seriously. All of a sudden, God opened her eyes and she saw a big bundle of load by her side, and there was an angel standing by talking to a short old woman. The angel said, “Carry your load,” and the woman said, “No!” By this time the temper of the angel was rising. He said, “I say, carry your load.” The woman said, “But I am dead.” The angel said, “Come, I am going to say this one more time and I do not intent to repeat myself. I did not ask you whether you are alive or dead, what I say is carry your load.” Reluctantly, the woman picked up the load and walked off. By the time the prayer ended, blood was already dripping down the legs of the sister. She was carrying an evil load.

The enemy uses some small techniques to let people carry the load that does not belong to them and expose them to all kinds of spiritual attacks. What are these techniques?

Bad confession: Immediately you say, “I am sick,” you have signed a package. The devil is a bad postmaster, he will put the stamps on the person. Twelve people were sent to spy the Promised Land. Ten came back with bad report. Look at what the Lord says in Numbers 14:28: “Say unto them, as truly as I live saith the Lord, as ye have spoken in mine ears, so will I do to you.” Those people said that they were like grasshoppers and God said, “Okay, that is what you said with your mouth; this load does not belong to you but since you said you want it, you should carry it.”

Once a person begins to say, “I shall not die but live to declare the works of God,” he remains alive. But the moment you begin to carry a paper saying, “This is the song we are going to sing during the burial ceremony, this is the person that will render a special number,” you have signed your package. The load will now belong to you legally and satan can now enforce the load on you. It is very sad that a lot of people kill themselves everyday and accept evil loads with their mouths.

Provoking God: Another way that the enemy gives people evil load is by instigating them to provoke the angels of God. Matthew 18:10 says, “Take heed that ye despise not one of these little ones; for I say unto you, that their angels do always behold the face of my Father which is in heaven.” So, we all have guardian angels. But then, angels can be provoked. Exodus 23: 20–21 says, “Behold I send an angel before thee, to keep thee in the way, and to bring thee into the place which I have prepared. Beware of him, and obey his voice, provoke him not; for he will not pardon your transgressions. For my name is in him.” The Lord said they should not provoke the angels. Those of them above 20 years old died in the wilderness; they provoked the angels.


Lot’s wife provoked the angels. Zechariah the father of John the Baptist, provoked the angels. The angel said, “Thus says the Lord,” and Zechariah said, “No, it is not possible.” Gabriel then stopped Zechariah from speaking in doubt. God did not send him to make Zechariah dumb but the angel said, “Okay, you shall become dumb until these things come to pass.” So Zechariah carried a load that did not belong to him. It would be better for many people to be dumb for three or four weeks while working on important projects so that they do not destroy the projects with their own mouths.

Once you provoke your angel, he will deal with you. An angel can cause a disease or death, depending on how much you provoke him. Angels are not human beings and do not have to forgive anybody for anything. When you go to where angels do not want you to go, you provoke them to deal with you. Zechariah carried the load of dumbness, which did not belong to him.

Foolish curiosity: Another way that people can carry a load that does not belong to them is what I call ‘foolish curiosity.’ Just like the Philistines in the Bible. They were curious to see what was inside the ark of the Lord and they paid dearly for it. Believers should not stand around watching magicians in the streets. Believers should not stand around watching juju (charm) hawkers to find out what they are saying. Many people get into trouble by wanting to try this, and wanting to try that. Many people follow their friends to herbalists not because they want to consult the herbalists. They just want to stand by to see what would happen. Sometimes, the herbalists turn to them and begin to prophesy evil to them.

Fighting alone when you know you have little power: People can pick up evil load by fighting alone when they know that they have little power. There is a time to take over and there is a time to take cover. Moses wanted to take over when he was supposed to take cover and we saw what happened to him. You should not follow anybody to idol places, or to swear before idols. Christians do not follow people to necromancers. Christians do not go to watch worldly films at public theatres.

The New Testament does not teach us to be going about visiting prophets. As godly as Abraham was, when he went down to Egypt, he had problem. So, when you go to the wrong place, you will have problems. There are some people who are fond of roaming about the houses of all sorts of prophets, and they collect arrows all over. Those who are fond of roaming around should be very careful so that they do not carry the load that they are not supposed to have. People who are fond of roaming about their hometowns when they do not have adequate power carry unwanted load. Some people rush to their home towns at any small thing, when they do not have power.

Evil friends: People pick up evil luggage by following evil friends. The Bible says that evil communication corrupts good manners. Many are in trouble today because of the friends they keep. If your childhood friend is not born again, you should severely limit that kind of friendship. Many ladies are living a confused life now because of their friends. Friends have let them into bondage and these friends they cannot find any more. Any close friendship with a child of the devil will make you carry other people’s load.

Sometime ago, a certain woman noticed that her friend was becoming very rich. She was buying cars and was prosperous. She went to the friend and asked her to show her the way to become rich too. She took her to one herbalist somewhere who did something for her and asked her to put it under her seat in her shop to enable her to have good patronage. She took the thing and did as she was told. The first day, she made very good sales. She was amazed and she rejoiced, but by the time she got home that first day, she found her son rolling on the floor. He was saying, “Mummy, I want to die. Something is pulling my throat.” The woman began to cry. Her friend who took her to the herbalist came, and finding the boy on the floor and the mother crying, she said, “Ah, why are you crying? Don’t cry. This is the price to pay for what you want. Did you not notice that when I did my own, my first son died? So, what is the problem? This one has to go if you want money. You still have two more, let this one go and enjoy your life.” The woman said, “no” and asked her friend to take her back to the herbalist. There she told the herbalist that she was no longer interested. The herbalist got angry and said, “But I asked you if your friend told you the price.” She said, “She did not tell me.” The man asked her to bring certain things so that he would reverse what he did. This cost her all the money she made on the first day. When you follow evil friends, you get into serious trouble. Many unwanted loads are pursuing people all over the place.

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