Home Dating & Romance I Found My Woman In A Hotel With Another Man!

I Found My Woman In A Hotel With Another Man!

by Reporter

DOCTOR LOVE please, help me, I don’t know what to do. I am so ashamed to discuss this even with any member of my family or my friends. Can you imagine that I caught my woman, the one I planned to marry in a hotel with another man.

I have been dating my woman for 2 years now and we were planning to get married within the first quarter of next year. I got a tip off from one of the guys within the neighbourhood that she’d seen my wife frequent the hotel where he works on the Island with a man (we live on the Mainland). At first, I didn’t pay attention to what he was saying but when I remembered my fiancee had been behaving strange lately, I took the information seriously. I gave the guy my contact and asked him to call me whenever he sights them coming into the hotel. And that was how I caught my woman red handed in the arms of another man. I have asked her to forget about the relationship. She’s been begging for forgiveness ever since, promising me it won’t ever happen again. A lot of people are asking what the problem is between us but I can’t even tell them because practically everybody loves her. I don’t even know what to do right now, but the truth is that, despite everything, I still love her, Wale, I still love her with all my heart…Please, respond immediately via phone, but you can publish later with my number hidden please..

MY BROTHER, you didn’t even tell me your name, neither did you mention the name of your fiancée. But I understand why. This is not the sort of story you want to put your name to. I must say I feel for you. What you have just experienced is perhaps one of the biggest tragedies than can befall a man. But then, again, like the elders will say, what have we not seen before? It is good you have kept this strictly between you and your woman. This is important considering that you still love her and there is possibility of a reconciliation. My advice is that you sit her down and ask her why she did what she did. What is she looking for? What does she want that you couldn’t give her and she had to go out to meet with another man to get it? Is it money? Is it great sex? She needs to open up to you, that is the first step forward. The second step is that she must show true remorse. If you still love her like you claim, then you must find it in your heart to forgive her, otherwise, keeping the hurt and the bitterness all bottled up inside you will only tear your heart into painful shreds even more. Good luck, bro.

MR. WALE, I have a serious problem, I can’t stop cheating on my wife. I cheat on her always. Several times, she has caught me cheating on her. Not like she caught me with anyone though, but she’s eavesdropped on conversations between me and my girlfriends and she’s seen messages we exchanged and it hurts her badly. Wale, I love my wife, I really do, but I just can’t take my eyes off these beautiful women flooding everywhere. Please, help, how do I stop doing this to my wife before I lose her?

DIFFERENT STROKES for different folks. Bros, I don’t know how you want me to answer that question. How do you stop cheating on your wife? Well, there are several suggestions I can offer you, but you see, at the end of the day, everything will ultimately depend on your desire and will to become a better husband and stop cheating on your wife. I mean, I could reel out ten or more ways to help you stop your philandering, but if you do not have the will and determination required to make that change that you desire, everything would amount to nothing. For instance, I could tell you, cut off all ties with your female friends, spend more time with your wife, go out on dates together, buy her gifts and clothings that you think would make her look real sexy and gorgeous, spice up your sex life, etc. I could tell you all of these but at the end of the day, the bottom line is, are you truly ready to turn a new leaf? From what you sent to me, I can tell you feel bad you’re hurting your wife, it is up to you decide if you want her to spend the rest of her days in misery and pain or in joy and happiness in your home.


 GOOD day, Mr. Wale, I don’t want to disclose my name in this text because of some personal reasons. I have been in a relationship with a guy for over four years now and he never gives me the right to come to his place without prior notice of the day and time. The serious of it is that he’s a liar, a cheat and he’s never truthful to me, which I know myself. There was a day I saw in his phone a lady’s number he saved as ‘Baby Joy” whereas my name is saved in hisa name as just my name. Mr. Wale, I love him but I have lost my faith in him. Tell me, what do I do?

MY  DEAR, you mean I should still tell  you what you should do? For God’s sake, you girls just never cease to amaze me. A guy treats you like some junk the cat dragged in, tramples all over your dignity as a woman and you still say you don’t know what do? If you were my kid sister, I would not hesitate to spank you for this. How could you be so naive? You say a guy is a liar and a cheat and you could never go to his uninvited, yet it didn’t occur to you to drop him like bad habit?? I also ask this question, what is it with girls and bad boys? Why are you always stuck in love with the boys that bring you nothing but bad news? It’s pretty obvious this guy doesn’t give a hoot about you, neither does he care about your feelings, so why would you claim you love him? You want my candid advice? Delete him from your memory, he doesn’t deserve the smallest space in it!

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