Home News I Grew Up In IBADAN Being Very Stylish – Prophetess MARY OLUBORI Tells City People

I Grew Up In IBADAN Being Very Stylish – Prophetess MARY OLUBORI Tells City People

by City People
Prophetess Mary Olubori

When she arrived at the City People Events Centre on Sunday 8th December 2019, all eyes were on her. She wore a flowing dress and all the designer labels from her wristwatch to her sunglasses everything realed of class. Prophetess Mary Olubori was one of the stylish women who were invited to unveil the latest baby of City People called City People Online Fashion & Beauty Magazine. She was also honoured for her remarkable fashion style.

Looking for that one woman who never compromises her standard when it comes to style & looking good always, she is the one. She is a woman who despite being a prophetess has never rubbed her of looking, dressing well and always make a statement with dressing any day, anytime and anywhere?

Beautiful Prophetess Mary Olubori is the founder of Rock of Salvation Apostolic Church, a ministry she started as a prayer group, as directed by the Holy Spirit to cater for the yearning needs of multitudes who beseeched her one-room apartment at Oju-Odo Olomi (where the name Rock of Salvation Apostolic Church (ROSAC) was given in trance during 7 days dry fasting by the Prophetess) in search of revelation and solutions, the Holy Spirit then directed Prophetess Mary Olujuwon Olubori (nee Adeleke) to start a prayer meeting on a mountain called Ori Oke Ojoo, the meetings were between held between 9 am-3 pm under a tree.

In mid-97 she met her husband Pastor Israel Ayanfe Ademola Olubori on the same mountain when he came separately to pray. She gave him a message and they stuck together as he got to her house at Alaja Meta Muslim. On the 1st of October 1997, the foundation of the church was laid and it coincided with Prophetess Mary’s birthday. Later in October services commenced and on the 8th of November 1997 the church held its first fundraiser followed by their marriage on the 19th of November on Olorunkole Mountain since then the church has grown in leaps and bounds and spread from its first remote location in Ogbere to Sanyo, then Havilah Mountain of Fire in Amuloko before the train moved to Lagos. By 2007 under the guidance of the Holy Spirit the church had expanded its coast to the United Kingdom with the opening of its London branch.

Prophetess Mary Olubori spends big on her clothes, shoes, bags jewellery sunshades. When you see her, she always combines designers from head to toe. She has carved a niche for herself when it comes to looking good, a trait according to her she got from her parents.

Prophetess Mary Olubori was one of the beautiful women City People recently honored at the just concluded City People Fashion and Beauty Online Awards, for her remarkable roles in the beauty world. She was interviewed by City People Crew, where she revealed why she has remained fashionable despite been a prophetess. Excerpt.

Congratulations on the well-deserved award ma. You are one person people look out for at parties. What really informs your mode of dressing and how you look?

I will like to say that everything is by the grace of God and looking fashionable speaks volumes about my personality. Fashion is my passion and I have been very stylish since I was young because that is what my parents are into. My mother was a fabric merchant and I took looking good from her. I came from Ede in Osun State and when people chant our eulogy, they call us Omo Ajilaloso, Omo Ajifojo Gbogbo Dara Bi Egbin which means someone is fashionable every day. Dressing well speaks volumes about your personality and it is a form of education on its own. Some people will even say oh you are a woman of God and you don’t need to dress or look this way, and I tell them it is not a sin and it is the way of the kingdom of God so far you are not doing it sinfully. It is not a sin to use gold or diamond, so I love it and I am enjoying it.

When exactly did you start coming out fashionable?

I have always been fashionable and that is how I have been way back since secondary school even before I got married.

What was your secondary school day like?

Oh, it was great and I love to dress well. I went to Saint John’s primary school and Ibadan City Academy in Ibadan. Anytime we are on holidays, I will travel to Lagos because I was staying with my Aunty in Ibadan although I was born in Lagos, and whenever I travel down to Lagos, I will go for shopping. There is something they call grade Aokirika then in 1989 and I will buy all these clothes and travel back to Ibadan and I was like the champion then. The amazing part is that people will be asking if these clothes was sent to me from someone outside the country or if I have family in overseas and I will simply reply by telling them that I brought it from Lagos. I was like the champion then because of the way I will combine my outfits and that was why I said that fashion is inbuilt for me. I was known as a fashion icon in my secondary school because I usually wear some outfit underneath my school uniform. I do this because I will love to show off my outfit after school hours. So I love fashion since I was a child and it is still in me. You can’t learn it from people; it has to be something you have passion for.

How do you choose your designers?

My first great fashion designer was Mama Awolowos daughter in Oke-Ado, Ibadan and Mama is a very great person. I met her through a church member when I was in Ibadan in the 90s. That my church member loves fashion a lot, so I asked her who was styling her and she told me Mama Awolowos daughter. She took me to Mama and she just loved so much that she sometimes makes dresses for me for free as a woman of God. When I moved from Ibadan to Lagos, I met V-Gold creations through my church member as well and I love her so much. She has been making my outfit for over 13 years and she made the outfit I am wearing. Later on someone introduced me to Ceoluminee and her work is fantastic. I don’t give them styles to make for me they create the designs themselves so much that people even come to my page to pick my styles. The only thing I tell them is that they should not copy styles for me, they should create them and they have been really great. I love people to see my designs and say it is original because I value creativity and originality. For the English outfit, I shop with Oscar Larenta, Valentino, D&G, Versace and a few others.

You love dancing a lot. How did you develop your dancing skills?

That is a controversial question and people talk a lot about it but I will tell you the truth today. Before God called me I dance and my father loves to dance, oh my goodness I have not seen any man dance like my father of blessed memory. He died in 1989, but the little I know about him was that he really loved to dance and I think it is in my blood. I will fall sick if I don’t dance and even when I hear some music that is not gospel, I will still shake my body at events. When I am listening to spiritual songs of God and dancing, it helps me to connect more in the spirit and I know God loves people who like to dance just like King David.

How do you feel when you read negative comments on your page about your fashion statements and dance?

I am used to it. You need to develop a thick skin to survive in this age and time. The Bible says that if you want to listen to what everybody is saying you will hear your household servant speaking badly about you, so it is not everything people say about that should border you. They only say what they see; they don’t even know me in person until then before they can say oh this woman is an angel. I don’t like to pretend and I hate hypocrisy and that is who I am. This is my identity in my closet and in the outside world. I don’t have a double life and that is why I don’t pretend. Some people would say I don’t want people to talk about me so that they can believe in my calling and they love some things but they don’t want people to know they love it, they will so do it only in their close, for me so far it is not sinful I am good. Chronicles 20 verse 20 say go and bring music, harps and other musical instrument for the spirit of God to come down and that mean God loves music and it is not a sin to dance, so far I don’t dance naked. So for you are dancing to praise God or make yourself happy, there is no sin in that so long God is not condemning but if man is condemning just leave them to God.

Daddy just celebrated his birthday. How was it?

It was superb. I have never seen him that happy because I celebrated him in four places. We celebrated him in the house, Saturday we decorated the church hall and Sunday was the thanksgiving and lastly to Dubai and boat cruise.

Daddy is also very stylish. Are you the one influencing that?

Yes I am the one. Daddy use to say that he must dress well too because of the way I dress and that he does not want anyone to snatch me from him. When I go for shopping and pick some designers, he will say that I like designers and he has joined me too and because of that our members do go shopping for us. They know what we like and they surprise us most of the time with it and when you ask them how they knew we were going to like it, they say that they have been watching us and they can tell what we will like so we can be happy and be in the spirit to bless them. Daddy now loves fashion because of me and that is because we are one. The bible says two shall become one.

People watch for your outfit at every event. How does that make you feel?

It makes me feel happy. I remembered I wore a D&G glass at Daddy’s birthday and it was the talk of the town. I did not admire it when I wore it but when people began to talk about it, it makes me see the beauty in it. So when people see things on me and admire it, that make me feel great.

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