Home Fashion Items of clothing every man should keep in his car

Items of clothing every man should keep in his car

by Arinze Ago

You might have never thought that you’d need to keep clothes in your car, but each day is unpredictable and a man always has to have a plan

When you wake up in the morning, you might have a plan how your day is going to turn out, but you can’t predict the things that could potentially pop up in between. And there’s nothing worse than not being prepared for something you can’t go home to prepare for. That impromptu business meeting on a Friday, or that dinner date with the woman whose attention you’ve been trying to get.

Here’s your complete guide of the clothing items you should keep in your car, so that you’re never caught off guard: 

White shirt

You know how we always say every man should have at least four to five white oxford shirts? Well, one of these should be kept in your car. This is for a number of reasons, including:

  • If you spill something like coffee on your shirt in the morning, instead of having to drive back home or to the mall to get a new shirt – you can just grab one from your car.
  • If later in your day you discover that there’s either an event or an important meeting you need to attend and you’re dressed too casually, you can up your look by simply substituting you’re overly casual top with a buttoned-up oxford white shirt.
  • If you need to change your shirt for any of the above reasons, a white shirt will always work well with whatever you’re dressed in.

Pair of dress shoes

A pair of dress shoes – either brogues, oxfords or monkstraps – are very important to have in your car at all times. The best thing about dress shoes are how versatile they are. If you’re not looking the way you would like to, a pair of dress shoes literally takes anything you’re wearing to a more serious and presentable level. Whether you’re dressed in a pair of jeans or more formal pants – dress shoes will make sense either way.


This is probably the most obvious item on the list. Chances are you already do have a pair or two in your cubby-hole at this very moment. As obvious as it is, it is still important to mention. The weather in South Africa is just as unpredictable as your day, so while it might be raining on your way to work, it could be as sunny as Jamaica on your way home.

Bomber jacket

Just as we’ve mentioned above, in South Africa, one could experience four different climates on the same day. If you’re meeting with a few friends later, or if you’re just going to be in the office all day – it’s convenient knowing that you’re prepared for any type of weather. This is why a bomber jacket is important, it’s light and it’s stylish, so chances are it won’t clash with what you’re already wearing.


The blazer is probably one of the most important items on the list. If you had to choose one item out of this entire list to keep in your car, the blazer would be it. This is because a blazer can formal-up anything that you’re wearing if you have an emergency meeting that you have to go to and are not dressed the part. It is also able to take a casual outfit and change it into a smart-casual ensemble. Over and above this, a blazer in your car gives you an opportunity to be a gentleman every once in a while. Like if your lady is cold on date-night, at least you have the opportunity to remind her of how romantic you are by bring her a jacket to put over her shoulders and ‘keep her warm’.

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