On the 11th of September, 2016, my world came crashing on me. I was lost as to why it has to be my son. My son is full of life, compassionate, hardworking, helpful, my billionaire in making. My son whose brain never stopped working until that day it went into a coma.
Micheal Babatunde thank you for choosing me as your mother, thank you for the joy you brought to me, thank you for all your assurance. Thank you for being smart. For making me see life in so many perspectives. Ahhhh I was cooked over soft. Never in my life does it cross my mind that you will leave so soon. I miss you every day my small husband like you used to say to me.
All my son wanted to do was to make me proud of him hence he was on the path of fulfilling that dream before it all happened.
Your zeal and passion is our focal point hence we can live each day as it comes, it’s not been easy for anyone of us the mark you left is indelible.
For two weeks my strength has failed me to write this I keep procrastinating. Not knowing what to write nor where to start.
For anyone reading this may you not loose any of your children in Jesus name. No one should experience it.
I miss you papa, I miss you my Michael, I miss you Uzii. And I pray for your soul to keep resting in the bossom of the Lord. Forever 22 my Michael Babatunde.
Oluwatoyin Omolara
Your mum forever
Five years and not forgotten. Some of us still lick our wounds and while it remains a moment which still brings a painful ache to my heart. It is important to realise that after every nightmare comes the day.
You’re a hero to many, you’ve changed lives. I know you see it all and even if I wish you were here I know you probably have a better view. Continue to rest well papa. I miss you, I love you.
I love you man.
Olaniran Atobatele
Big brother
To my dear brother, Uzii, 5 years on.
Hi, I miss you beyond words, it took me a while to find the courage to write this because I am still in disbelief that you had to leave us on this physical plane so soon.
I still remember when you always call me your twin because our ages aren’t that far apart and I
still call you that, till today.
I have learned to live with the constant pain of not having you around and it’s definitely a myth
that time heals all wounds.
You have always been there for me and acted as a protector for me and Wendy, and we’re grateful to know that we were loved by you in your brightest capacity. Thank you.
Life without you have had its ups and downs, I really wish you were here to meet your nephew;
he looks so much like you as a baby lol. It might sound silly but I do try to involve you in every aspect of my life, sometimes, I think, what will Mikey do?
5 years on, still hurts like the first day. Continue to rest in peace, my love. #ForeverYoung #22
Oluwadamilola Atobatele
Big sister
It has been 1,826 days since I lost my brother. It broke my heart to lose you and it completely changed everything for me. In grief, five years can seem like a few months, time loses meaning as we try to hold on to the memories of your short but amazing life. The day I found out my brother had gone was single-handedly the worst day of my life, I will never forget receiving the news on September 11, 2016. No one knows the bitter pain, we all suffered since we lost you; sometimes I stare off blankly into space, reflecting on what life would have been like if you were still here. There is not a day, that I don’t think of you. The truth is I miss my big brother and I need my big brother, time doesn’t make it easier to deal with and time doesn’t “heal all wounds”. If anything, it’s more difficult to carry on with life, I can’t stop thinking about how my life could have been with you here, the older I get the more difficult it gets, reaching milestones in life without you or thinking about things you never got a chance to do. The emptiness in my heart will never be filled. Grief changes you in ways I can never quite put into words, but one thing I do know for certain is that you will always be a part of my life and even in death you continue to shape who I am and who I want to be. It’s taken a lot of work to be “okay” and I’m immensely grateful for the support I have received from those dearest to me. I know you’re always with me papa and I keep solace in the memories we shared together. Every chance I get I will tell the world about my big brother, my hero, my protector, and my wise advisor. Your memory will always live on, I love you forever, till we meet again my
Wendy Atobatele
Your baby sister