Home Health Legs! Here Are Ways To Make Your Pair Sexier

Legs! Here Are Ways To Make Your Pair Sexier

by Daniji Emmanuel

Legs! Those pairs are probably the hottest body parts after boobs and butt. Of course this is arguable! A lot of women underestimate the level of sexiness they can evoke  when they show off their pins. Some other women don’t show them off because they think it’s not up to the standard or it doesn’t look like those in magazines. Baby girl, the girl in the magazine doesn’t even look like the girl in the magazine! Fat, skinny, full, broom like, long, short, whatever shape yours come in, embrace them and let them loose!

And if you’re wondering how to maximise the sexy potentials of your pins, we’ve got a few very helpful tips for you below.

Love them

If you don’t think your legs are hot,chances are, nobody will. Cherish your legs, look at them more often, run your hands slowly down them and truly feel the sexiness.

Exercise and food

Make out time every week to do your workout. You could alternate between riding a bike, swimming, jogging, doing lunges, squats, leg lifts, squats, weight lifting etc. visit a gym instructor to help you exercise accurately, healthily and effectively.

Eat healthy. For a better result, see a dietitian to instruct you on the right food to take for whatever you want for your legs – slimmer, thicker,etc.


Body hairs are beautiful but not particularly sexy. Wax those leg hairs off completely. If you are very comfortable with the way the hair looks on your legs and can’t care less how people see it then there is no need to wax it. That attitude is sexy enough.

Rock heels

Heels make you more feminine and attractive as in them you take shorter strides and swing your hips more while walking. They also make your legs appear longer, and your large calves look slimmer. However, wearing the wrong types of heels can make you achieve the exact opposite thing. Let the mirror tell you which heels suit your legs and body frame and which doesn’t. Always wear a pair you are comfortable in so you don’t look clumsy.

Wear pantyhose

Pantyhose brings attention to your legs and makes them look hotter. They also cover those spots and that’s a plus! You could play with dark and bright colours. For that sexy look and feel, wearing your skin colour is the best and in net pantyhose, you are a bombshell!

Walk the walk

Head held up high, shoulders straight, off you go. Swing those hips, throw those legs, walk like you absolutely have no worries in the whole wide world.

Wear outfits that show them off

After all written and read, this is the trigger of the gun. Wear outfits that let your legs breath and show them off. There are no rules to this but of course I’m not asking you to go out in your panties! Wear short skirts, gowns, distressed jeans, shorts, anything that gives a generous dose of the hotness but of course, something you are comfortable in.

What can I say except you are welcome!

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