In the 136 days, 20hours, 11 minutes and 40 seconds that Donald Trump has been President of the United States, he wants you to do something for him; take his tweets literally and very seriously. A fact that the White House battles daily, left to clean the mess their Tweeter-in-Chief leaves behind with every errant 140 character post he drops on Twitter.
Trump’s tweets are simply what they are: “Trump’s tweets – a true representation of the President’s thought processes and ideals. Forget the well put together, politically correct and sensitive speeches put together by his aides and the entire White House press team. This is a President communicating to his people the only way he knows how (without filter).
We have seen it happen time and time again and now we even look forward to it; the rants, the threads, everything! Recently it was the Mayor of London that caught his attention, after Saturday’s terrorist attack. Then he gravitated to the Department of Justice for watering down his travel ban, and the Supreme courts calling them “slow and political”, and Monday he doubled down on “extreme vetting” of those coming into the U.S.
President Trump on Christian Broadcasting Network in late January said about his incessant tweeting behaviour, “I can do messages around the media and get my word out, the way I mean my word”. President Trump is however not unaware about how Americans, in general, feel about his tweets, as he released early Tuesday, another series of tweets regarding his tweeting.
In fact, Trump believes he was able to win the 2016 elections because of his very efficient use of the S0cial Media. Not quite sure we agree. He did make it clear at a campaign rally in August when he asked the audience: “You know who says don’t use Twitter?”. “Your enemies.”