A Zimbabwean man with gambling addiction, who went to the extremes of betting his wife over the recently played Real Madrid, Juventus match has been fined two beasts.
ZimNews.net reports that Charles Jambaya (26) from Mkandapi village did the unthinkable on the 3rd of June when he pledged his wife Caroline Shumba (22) to another man over the Juventus, real Madrid match.
Jambaya had a verbal agreement with Eugene Gumbo (30) that if Real Madrid would beat Juventus in the UEFA Champion’s League final he would give him his wife, while the later told the former that if Juventus triumphed he would give him $500.
As fate would have it, Real Madrid trounced Juventus by four goals to one and all hell broke loose when Eugene demanded his prize after the match.
Jambaya told his bet mate to go and collect Caroline at his house.
Eugene went to Jambaya’s house and told Caroline that he had won her at the bottle store bet.
Puzzled and perplexed by the story, Caroline ran away and sought refuge at her aunt’s house.
Caroline told her aunt what had transpired and the matter was referred to Chief Mazivisa’s traditional court.
Appearing before Chief Mazivisa’s traditional court yesterday, Jambaya and Eugene told the court that they were not in their pure state of mind since they were drunk.
“Ishe nedare riri pano hongu makunana aya akaitika asi isu tanga takadhakwa, takanga tisiri mumindangariro yedu yakakwana zvomene”
Translated means : ”The chief and all the elders here present, the taboo took place but we were drunk hence we were not in our pure state of mind, explained Jambaya and Eugene in rapid succession.
Passing his judgement after a brief consultation with his elders, Chief Mazivisa fined Jambaya and Eugene one beast each for contravening the tenets of the Unhu or Ubuntu philosophy that dictates that a person cannot be sold, neither can anyone place a human being as a bet.
The chief also admonished villagers to desist from betting as this would result in illogical decisions.
“Muno mudunhu mangu handikurudzire njuga,zvemubhejo zvinemakuva akawanda,uye vechidiki regai mbanje neZvikiranco ndizvo zvinokanganisa hugaro hwemhuri zhinji.
Translated: in my Kingdom I do not encourage betting, betting has caused many deaths, also the youth should desist from smoking marijuana and drinking spirits since these are the major cause of problems in many families.