Home News Many People Always Wonder If I Am Truly 60 – Forever Living Advocate, DESOLA IPAYE Birthday Interview

Many People Always Wonder If I Am Truly 60 – Forever Living Advocate, DESOLA IPAYE Birthday Interview

by Jamiu Abubakar

Desola, popularly known as “Dessy” deals in Health Supplements. She is a Forever Living Products Advocate. Forever Living is a global business, and a privately held multi-level marketing company which manufactures and markets Aloe Vera-based drinks and bee-derived cosmetics, dietary supplements, and personal care products. She has a large pull of clients who patronize her.

It will interest you to know that the classy Desola, a few days ago celebrated her 60th birthday and her gorgeous looks got people wondering if she’s truly 60, especially considering her ever-young and radiant look and body posture.

In this exclusive interview with City People’s JAMIU ABUBAKAR, she revealed the secret behind her look, why it’s important to take good care of one’s health, things to do to stay fit and healthy at all times among other health related hints. Enjoy this insightful chat!

How do you feel celebrating your 60th?

It’s a thing of joy. I am glad. I am giving all the glory to God Almighty that has given me the day to celebrate. If not for God, what can I do? I really appreciate Him. I’m grateful to God.

What’s your take on attaining 60?


60 years is a long journey. Looking back at the people you started with, some of them are no more and for you to be alive, it’s a rare privilege. If God gives you the Grace to achieve that, it’s something that you should be thankful to God for. So I really thank God for that. Becoming 60, though physically to me I don’t feel it. It’s as if I just slept and woke up and I found myself saying is it true! Am 60 just like that? I was discussing with some people and they were like “Iya eyin naa ma ti 60” and I was like well it’s just like that. Yes, we have been seeing it, people have been getting there, but it’s just for you now to accept the truth. I am sixty now, and it’s a privilege.

How smooth has the journey of life through 60 years been?

Hmmm! personally to me, I thank God. Though there are challenges and for some people they might be saying that throughout their life there were no challenges, but to me, I know yes, there are challenges. Growing up, if you really think of it, just falling sick and getting out of sickness is enough to be thankful.

There are some sicknesses that’s so much that we have to run here and there and we have to go look for this, go and look for that. But I thank God that despite all those challenges that came, we are still alive. When we were in boarding house, different things that we encountered.

What’s your growing up as a child like?

I know very well that growing up, I do fall sick. I got in and out of sickness but it has been God. I know being in secondary school, there were times that I will have to leave the boarding house for treatment and things like that but God saw me through all that. So that’s why in every step, in every way, it’s God first. I really have to appreciate God first for this day.

What is your most remarkable moment in life?

Hmm! Sometime ago, somebody asked me: is there reason to celebrate at all? Not even because of the age but celebrating birthday at all? My reply was this: I said for me, that I have to celebrate. I wouldn’t have done all these but I said that I have to. Because looking back, I remember in 1986, I was operated upon. I was gone! But bringing me back, reviving me, it has been God. Yes, it’s true doctors tried, everybody running here and there and everything but I know I have seen myself there. I know I was gone. So, if it has not been God that has a purpose for my life, will I be alive now celebrating? So that is the major issue in my life, that God spared me to see this day. If we have to think of the Covid-19 period (Pandemic and lock-down) and everything like that, I wouldn’t have but looking back and again there was a particular time I had face-to-face encounter with the armed robbers with guns and live bullets. How I escaped being hurt at all I don’t know. It is God that just did it. So when you think of all these escapes, going into operation and everything just turned around and you coming face-to-face with armed robbers and nothing happened, it’s worth it and that’s why I’m grateful to God. I’m really grateful to God. I know there is a reason why God spared me and I am alive to celebrate this birthday.

You don’t look 60, what is the secret behind this your ever-young look?

Yes, I don’t look 60. A lot of people are surprised that I am sixty. I know I don’t look it. But it’s something that you have to work on. You are the owner of your body and you know what you want for yourself. So how do you want the look that you are aspiring to be? I thank God for Him building me the way I am. I am very grateful to God. I appreciate the period that I came across Forever Living. That is the honest truth that I am telling you. I know a lot of people that before getting to sixty, even before getting to forty, looking at them you’re like what is it? Take care of your body now. To the glory of God, I was introduced into Forever and I started using the product. Somebody asked me this morning that “Mummy, you can’t believe that I was still arguing with my husband that you are not sixty, that if not that I saw people greeting you and everything, but how did you do it? I told her, yes, I thank God, and Forever products, some of which are anti-ageing and age reversal that when you are using them, people will ask what the secret for your good look is.

There was a time we were in Oshogbo for a business presentation and there’s a machine that is used to check people. We had the programme with medical professionals in Oshogbo and the machine will tell you your biological age. Our biological age is not the age we are carrying. Like I am sixty now, that’s not my biological age. Your biological age is what the organs in you are reading because it’s the organ in you that will transect, that is who you really are. If the organs in you is old, definitely that’s what will come out. So there’s this woman, in fact, she was the Senior Matron of LAUTECH Oshogbo as at that time. They ran the test on her. They asked her of her age and I think she was 57 or there about. Yes 57. When they did the test and checkup, her biological age read seventy-nine. And honestly speaking, that’s just the way the woman looked. She herself knows it. You know it’s like if anything happens and this woman drops dead like that, they would be saying that she’s strong o, she’s agile o, she looks well o and so on, whereas internally, it’s not like that and that’s where most of us are missing it. We look good outside, we are care less of what is happening inside, whereas we are supposed to build ourselves from inside. That’s what Aloe Vera does. It works from inside out. That’s why they said it’s a miracle plant. It builds you from inside. And you will be happy using it. You will see yourself changing, even if you have been having wrinkles all over your body, you will see that gradually, it will be changing. So, it’s forever products, it’s forever supplements.

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