Last week, the remains of Aare Bolu Akin-Olugbade, the Aare Ona Kakanfo of Owu Kingdom, was buried in Lagos. Below is the Tribute of his wife, Chief (Mrs.) Oladunni Akin-Olugbade.
On the second day of my husband falling ill, I distinctly heard God tell me that, you will give a testimony far and wide titled ‘Only God is God’. I took this to mean that my dear husband would be healed and given back to me and the children in perfect health. I vowed to God that I would give this Testimony, so here I am, but not the way I prayed or envisaged.
I scrutinized the word “Only”. It means no-one or nothing more besides. Solely. So where or how do I question the Author and the Finisher of my Faith. He gives and takes. His timing is His discretion.
God gave me the love of my life for 43 years. We celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary on December 27th 2020. I in Los Angeles, and he in Lagos. It was a beautiful and loving zoom call. We
reminisced, laughed, joked and planned concerning his expected arrival in Los Angeles early February
2021. However ‘Only God is God’.
We had 40 years as husband and wife. A Treasure trove of unerasable memories. Lord, I thank you.
My tall, suave, debonair, impeccable, ever so handsome husband, repeatedly told me I was the love of his life. I believe it to be so. I’m not sure whether he ever called me by my name. It was always ‘Darling’
and other terms of endearment. The days he called me by name I paid attention, it meant he wasn’t too happy with me. As all married couples know, this scenario is not unique but an integral part of two independent people coming together as one. However, if 40 years is not a testimony to the test of time, then I don’t know what is.
Who was he? It is so difficult to put my darling husband in a box because it will not contain him. He was larger than life, a force of nature. The most intelligent person I have ever met. He could read and memorize a book in two hours. His PhD thesis was adjudged to be one of the best ever doctoral thesis in the Law Dept of the University of Cambridge. I had the singular honour of his asking me and trusting me to proofread his entire thesis after giving it to a professional who failed to satisfy him. A recognition from him to my intellect and proficiency. Praise God.
He made no apologies for who he was, or for pursuing the passions he loved. He worked so hard from his student days. Summer jobs in eateries during A-levels and doing business deals whilst still an undergrad. He bought his first car in London in his teens. It was a Triumph Stag. He came back for his NYSC and hit the ground running, combining his love of Law with business endeavours.
He bought his first Rolls Royce in 1982, whilst in his twenties and pursuing his PhD in Cambridge. I drove it often. My take has always been that an industrious and diligent person is entitled to the fruits of their labour.
My husband had such a great love for his late father, Chief O. B. Akin-Olugbade of Blessed memory and did everything to uphold his name and legacy. He declined many business opportunities because he would not touch a venture that would stain or put a blemish on his Family name. This is a worthy and commendable legacy for his children.
He lifted so many people up with his sound advice and tutelage. Many are now Captains of Industry or doing very well in their various fields of endeavour. He did this expecting and asking for nothing in return. A key dictates from God.
He was his own Man, forthright, and assertive. He loved to play the devil’s advocate. He would take an opposing view just to get you to think and elevate your thoughts. What you saw is what you got.
As a Family man, he was greatly loved by the children and me. Over the years, he instilled so many values in them. A terrific mentor and a true example that with hard work and the right mindset, you can achieve great heights. He also preached Contentment. He never prayed for anyone without saying “Above all may you be Content”.
A practical joker par excellence. In a gathering, he would be centre stage. Regaling all with anecdotes.
His beliefs were on the table, frank and unapologetic. The childrens’ friends sought him out constantly for mentoring and advice. He was always available. He was a great lover of people no matter the age, no matter the economic standing. He joked with our staff as though they were family. He could sit for hours whilst auto mechanics repaired or serviced his cars and all I would hear is laughter. He did not discriminate. To him, everyone is born equal and he treated all as such.
My family especially my siblings, cousins, nephews and nieces embraced and loved him. He was an integral part of them.
Boluwasanmi, Omo Olowu Oduru.
I, your wife, Oladunni will miss you and carry you forever in my heart.
You ran your race and God gave you the Grace and Privilege to live 64 years of your life to the fullest
You achieved great heights that many only aspire to. You left a legacy of integrity for your children. You shared your intellect and knowledge with so many. You loved and were loved back.
Your children, our boys (Men) have been Superb. I know you are so proud of them. We both are.
Now, Rest in Perfect Peace in the Bosom of the Lord.
With God on our Side, and with you Guiding and Directing us from Heaven, I assure you that The Children, Grandchildren, Great Grandchildren and I, We’ve got This. We’ve got the Rest of the Journey. I Love you Now and Always.
Chief (Mrs) Oladunni Akin-Olugbade.
Yeye Aare of Owu Kingdom.