Rev. Esther Abimbola Ajayi is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Love of Christ Generation Church (Cherubim & Seraphim) in London with a strong prophetic ministry. She left a successful business to pursue God’s purpose.
She holds a diploma in Theology from Faith International Bible Training School, Ogun State, Nigeria. She lives in the UK and married to Rev. Ademuyiwa Ajayi and their marriage is blessed with 4 prophetic children.
Why do so many people perish in Poverty? I suggest it is because of ignorance. They say, “this is how our ancestors lived, and this is how we live, keeping our traditions.” They forget that not so long ago our ancestors were in poverty. Our problems are not in our ancestors but in our refusal to change (to move from tradition to transition). We cannot keep doing what we have always done and expected great results – everything will just stay the same (monument).
In order to see new results we have to start doing new things. The art and ability to change is in the mystery of constant self, perfection and goal reaching. ew information must be introduced to our cranium if new behaviors are to manifest. This is what change is all about. If we do not change, we will not be ready for opportunities God gives us. Money really doesn’t matter because it has a big impact on your life. It allow you to have freedom, make things happen, invest wisely and attain your dreams. Discussing the laws of Prosperity from the perceptive I have learned from my mentor “Mike Murdock” and people like Randy Gage, Catherine Ponder and so many others.
If you want to experience financial prosperity that God has designed for your life, you should understand how these laws operate in the spiritual and in the natural. If you want to cancel insufficiency and lack, you should know the economic plan God has for your life. God receives no honor with your poverty. God doesn’t want you to be worried about bills you don’t pay As a father, He wants the best for His children. As a believer you have a right to prosper in every area of your life; spiritual, financial, emotional, social, mental and physical.
Prosperity includes more than just financial prosperity, Spiritual and Soul prosperity must always precede financial prosperity (3 John 2). The ability to handle money is important part of the Christian foundational life (Matthew 6:24). This teaching is an introduction to the Christian approach to Finance and Prosperity.
May the blessings of Deuteronomy 28:1-14 be upon your life as you begin to make the Lord Jesus truly Lord over your finances.
Prosperity in the life of a Christian is not based on the material possessions, but in four different forms which are: spiritual prosperity, physical prosperity, material prosperity, and mental prosperity. I remembered a book written by a Nigerian author titled “The RICH also cry”, mostly read by literature students years back. This book made me understands that your money alone is not enough to get you everything you desire in life.
All these are the wish of God for us, according to 3 John 2 ‘’Above all I wish you prosper and be in God health as your soul prospereth”. So definitely God want us to prosper in all ramifications not in material things alone. As we all know that “Health is Wealth”. When you are in good health, you are a successful being. And when your soul is filled with the Spirit of God, you are free indeed. Because where ever the spirit of God is there is liberty, in a life that there is liberty things will work for you with ease.
So many people believe prosperity is measured financially. Meanwhile prosperity is synonymous to success; it’s a thing that must start from the inside, from your soul, then the outside. Success is the achievement of God’s goal for your life, while prosperity is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune or successful social status, prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes other factors which can be independent of wealth to varying degrees such as happiness and good health.
This has got to deal with our spiritual life and how that we are able to duplicate ourselves into others spiritualy. A very good example of such in the bible that prospered spiritually is Elijah, he was able to duplicate himself in the life of Elisha, (Deuteronomy 15:12-14) God said if we have our brothers as our servants that we should share what we have to them, this is talking about material aspect but it can be related to spiritual prosperity when linked to the story of Elijah and Elisha. When Elijah was to depart from this world, Elisha followed him and he received double fold of Elijah’s Anointing.
When the spirit of God is in you, you are free from bondage. (Galatians 5:22-24, “but the fruit of the spirit is love, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance, against such there is no law and they that are Christ’s have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts”. so certainly when you have the spirit of God dwelling in you prosperity is guaranteed.
This has got to do with health, being prospered physically has nothing to do with your spiritual life, give to ceaser what belongs to ceser, the body is being controlled by both spirit and flesh, but the flesh must not supercede the spirit. We are all human beings and blood flows in our Veins when you have over stressed your self, you should know the right thing to do is relax.
For example, someone that has not been sleeping for some days and suddenly developed a migraine, it s very clear that is an accumulation of stress and fatigue. What such person should do is to either visit the doctor to prescribe the necessary drugs for him/her, or such person should try and have a sound sleep, by so doing, this will definitely calm the nerves. So don’t say because you are a Christian then you will not do what is expected of you. ignorance has taken away lots of CHRISTIANS due to their traditional belief that as a child of God, they are not allowed to take drugs when sick.
This has got “to do with our mind -set and mental liberation. The bible says study to show thy self approve unto God, when you study and meditate in the word of God, this will enhance your problem solving ability. The word of God will also guide your steps in the journey of life.
Here are the biblical references to Mental Prosperity: “Proverbs 16: 16 how much better is it to get wisdom than Gold and to understand rather than to be chosen than silver” “Ecclesiastes 7:12 for wisdom is a defence and money is a defense but the excellence of knowledge is that wisdom give life to them that
have it”.
The greatest liberation is the liberation of the mind When you are mentally prospered, this gives you an edge over others. Mental prosperity has got to do with being full of the wisdom of God, making use of it in the right proportion and being able to impact this into others is another great success.(EedI0:12). The words of a wise man’s heart are gracious, but the lips of a fool will swallow.
This is the mostly understood prosperity by many today. So many believe the money they have can buy them all they desire in this world.
This type of prosperity consist of money, houses, cars ete any material thing you could mention in this world. And this can be achieved by following the principle of God that says (Seek ye first the kingdom of
God and all other things shall be added) When you seek God and have faith in him, you will get almost everything you want in life, though sometimes financial prosperity can not be over emphasized based on hard work but God also said in 11 Thessalonians 3:10 0 work, No pay.
Definitely if you can’t work, your success is not guaranteed, when you work that is when God will flavor your labor with favor which will increase your wealth. So it takes the favor of God and hard work to prosper in life.
In (Genesis 1:22) God said we should be fruitful and multiply and subdue the earth and every living creature under the earth, this simply means God has given us a responsibility and want us to prosper in all ramification, by affecting the lives of others positively and also bringing back the lost sheep to his kingdom, to rule over every other living creature. God has been able to give us the opportunity to choose.
Prosperity has got to do with personal choice: Deuteronomy 30:19.
This day I call the heavens and the earth as witness against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses, now choose life, so that you and your descendant may live. When choosing in life you need to apply the 4D’s which are:
When making your choice, it is important for you to make decision so as to focus on your choice. When you are indecisive, you listen to every advice the people around you gives to you. Another thing is for you to be devoted to what you do, devoted in the sense that you do not take whatever you do with levity. This will make you achieve your goals on time. Dedication is another important key in choice making; you need to dedicate your time, money, talent and all you have got. Determination will help you fight the enemy of success called procrastination. With the four Ds you are getting there gradually.