Mrs. Olufunke Oladipupo is the beautiful wife of the highly revered US-based Pastor and founder of the Redeemer Lives International Ministry, a popular church in Orlando, Florida. She is indeed a strong pillar behind her darling husband. They have been together for 27 years and counting. While happily celebrating her man at 55, she had a chat with the Assistant Editor and the head of City people TV, she spoke about their love life of 27 years and how her husband has always been a blessing to her. She also spoke about how she has been helping her husband grow his ministry. She however gave insights into what every woman must do to keep their marriage intact.
Hello good evening from here my name is Mrs. Olufunke Oladipupo, I am pleased to meet you.
What was running through your mind ma, when your husband told you that God was calling him into preaching his gospel? How easy was it for you to succumb?
Well, when my husband received the call of God, it was actually an internal battle for me. You know, before he finally yielded, there were different messages of him becoming a pastor and even for me as a young lady, people would tell me you are going to marry a pastor, which I would refused, saying God forbid! I didn’t actually like it. I know it’s a lot of commitment in being a pastor’s wife and sincerely I was not ready for it. I just wanted to serve God, be in church, do my things and I didn’t want the pastor’s wife thing. So, we were avoiding it, I will put it that way. My husband will sometimes ask me why is everyone saying that he is going to be a pastor; even though; we knew that was what God wanted, we always tried to ignore it. But when the time to yield to that call came, we just could not avoid it anymore . it was so real that we knew this was the time and I remember that I actually cried in my closet. I am like; God No, you know I don’t want this, I am not ready for this, we love God, we were serving God but not this kind of responsibility in the house of God. But God said he will be with us. And we started the journey, yeah nothing in life, no success in life comes so easy. There is always a price to pay, God is helping us to pay the price and will continue to help us. We just thank God for where we are today.
27 years with your man, how has it been so far?
Yes, hmm! 27 fruitful years by the special grace of God. And I want to actually use this time to thank God for the opportunity to meet my husband 27 years ago. No, it was actually 29 years ago, I mean after my salvation that’s the best gift God has given to me. My husband is a good man, a child of God, and a good friend. So, what have I learnt? I have learnt to be very patient, I didn’t used to be a very patient person, I actually have a very strict background, where things have to be done in a hard way, but with my husband you have to learn to take things easy. So, I learnt to be very patient, even though strong, but very patient and to be a wife, also to be a mother. I have learnt to love God more because the journey with my husband has always been to walk with God. Everything has always been with God. So, it’s a relationship, a union that has really helped me to connect with God more and I thank God for everything, I thank God for the years and I trust God for more fruitful and faithful years ahead.