Testimony Time
Do I hear Blessing time . My Dear brothers and Sisters may testimonies never cease in our lives . Since the seeming closure of the physical doors of buildings not Church , most have been packaging the testimony for the D day . Yet my Bible says he is new every morning, great is his faithfulness. More so our victory and overcoming emanates from our open declarations of the Lords goodness .
The good book is clear on that stating that we overcame by the blood and by the words of our testimony and by not loving our lives as unto death. In breaking down these listed factors are these points ,In the first place , Jesus blood shed for us grants us sanctification and victory, Secondly our speaking up shows we are not ashamed as we approach Gods altar to share and encourage others telling of his wonders .
Lastly we know whom we have believed that he is able , so we can not be shy, afford to be intimidated or even prove too proud to speak up Stephen demonstrated this and just in case you are afraid, the truth is that most have not been tempted even unto death, so lets not be unwise by being self absorbed .No one can steal or alter what God has done, those are demonic thoughts that hinder testimonies .
A couple of months back, I exprienced some impressions by the Holly Spirit and heard God speaking to me to share his goodness with the people i interact with even socially .
The first feeling you get is that what if feeling . This is actually the true test of a child of God, as you must become iinevitably all things to all men for the sake of the Gospel even to the point of rejection or persona non grata sometimes. Infact my write ups having gone ahead of me, made it not such an uphill task .It was not uncommon for people to stop me asking , if I was really, really a Pastor, followed by the desirous please pray for me, usually not right there though.
This clearly was beyond my doing as God has really started his work . So on this day being so burdened decided to pray with this Gentleman . What appeared to be a short, quick prayer was brisk enough for more , enough question coupled with the desire and intention to come to my place of worship .
I promised but never really got round to it, for a while but will pray even during a telephone conversation. Then like David i became a wonder, even as i write now am going to give this man a name GI, meaning grand inquisitor . As he will question me and make me explain how I turned out to be so fervent . My Church, Sovereign Word was actually in the suburbs , based on my involvement had a tendency of taking a more convenient alternative in the Ikeja branch .
This however i opted for conveniently realising the reality of GI coming to Church . The Bible says Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall see God. This word was fast becoming a rhema just before my eyes. Obviously with the call and expectancy of him, almost abruptly announcing, being already in Ikeja, making me pleasantly stunned, even then, there at my inlaws hotel we met up and off to Ikeja Church . Indeed it was not unusual for me to be there during the week as in the past. I had brought in a few that lived in the Ikeja axis to join, that day showing up with three.
The service started though fraught with discomfort for my main visitor , coming in for the first time. God arrested everyone, GI especially , who had to travel with aids from the Island to the mainland for this encounter once again GI full of questions and this time full of appreciation inclusive
Praise, Praise the Lord ,
Thank you Jesus was my Joy as my heart lept for Heavenly applause . He wanted to come again, though not so convenient in terms of proximity . Gladly told him we will continue prayers and even at some point arrange a visit. Then came the good news of the Lekki branch as announced by my Pastor , which we proposed to attend but as we know God has the final say .
Someone said we pray but God chooses the ones to answer. I daresay nullifying the above that all prayers at the end of it all gets answered. Most of the time our desires and specification does get in the way . In Church, having witnessed many healings being a recipient myself , having to learn God can not be limited nor his works .
Miracles from this perspective are unending , variable even in context . Now beggining to understand grasping, that the greatest encounter in healing and even more our salvation is in the overall determinant of our attainment in eventual eternity with our maker .

This is my experience, a couple of weeks as i dreamt of this man/GI being healed and atimes demonstrably expressed in an open eye vision. This inspired me so much and seeing GI healed taking his stride into some illumination .More like a transfiguration so wonderful ,that during the day was thus moved to call for some affirmation but. totally forgot . Then I understood the mystery when the very next day I was informed of his passing . This is another dimension in Revelation.
What a way to let us know that he heard us that day and even many others as well. This is the importance and efficacy of prayers. Indeed those who hunger and thirst for Righteousness shall see God . They shall make Heaven