About 6 months ago Adrons Homes, a leading Real estate company opened its new office at Cocoa House in Ibadan. The company took the whole 16th floor and drapped it in its Lemon corporate colours. More outlets at the Challenge area, Iwo road and Molete have since been opened in the ancient city, to cope with the ever-increasing patronage, who want to take advantage of its special offer which allows you to buy its land and property, in its 3 sites by paying N500 initial payment and spreading the rest over the next few months. Mr. Michael Oyadele, the Regional Chief Operating Officer of Adrons Homes, in this interview with City People Magazine Publisher, SEYE KEHINDE and Head of Special Projects, LEKAN ODUNOWO and Head of Photography, FEMI ADELEKE, the Regional Chief Operating Officer (RCOO) talks about why Adron Homes moved into Ibadan to change the face of real estate business in the city.
He leads a formidable team of Senior Managers who were moved into Ibadan from Lagos and Abuja with the mission of taking over Ibadan real estate sector. And as you read this, about 1,000 marketers are prowling the streets of Ibadan marketing Ibadan people to come and buy land and houses in their 3 sites. Below are excerpts of the interview.
Why did Adron Homes move to Ibadan about 6 months ago?
The reason was borne out of our expansion drive that came into play as a result of attending to our numerous existing and prospective clients in Ibadan. And to capture the real estate need from that South West part of Nigeria. As it is now ADRON is realying dominating the Ibadan market and also the South West. We are also moving into the North. We are in Abuja and before the end of the year we plan to move into the East. Our plan is to be all over Nigeria. Our coming to Ibadan is as a result of the request from many of our existing and prospective clients that there is a need for us to pitch our tent right here in Ibadan to do what we have been doing in Lagos right here in Ibadan.
A lot of people from Ibadan who live abroad want a place of their own in Ibadan. They want an estate that offers world class tastes and finishing. That was the reason why we had to bring that kind of estate to Ibadan.
Operationally, it has been how many months now? What has the experience been? What is Adron Homes offering its prospective clients in Ibadan?
We commenced our operation in Ibadan, April last year, 2017. It has really been phenomenon. There was a lot of challenges at the beginning like every business. But part of the advantages we have here is that our kind of concept in is quite different from what other real estate companies are doing and we are able to get a lot of response. At the same time, part of the challenges is that the typical South West region, they are not used to this kind of system. So it takes a lot of perseverance, we must continually execute our strategies, enlightenment, sensitisation and things like that. Most of our campaigns are about enlightening people, letting them understand why they should own a property before they retire. We always let them know that there is a lot of advantages and opportunities owning a property.
How different is Adron Homes from the other real estate players? What marks you out?
We are different in every way. We actually borrowed a lot from a couple of concepts like The Blue Ocean strategy. We actually created an uncontested market for ourselves.
That is what we have done right now in Ibadan. We are not in competition with anyone. We are the 1st real estate company in Nigeria to start the daily payment plan. That is a plus to us. Many didn’t know that was possible. We have many of our clients that are paying on a daily basis.
As part of our strategy we just don’t believe in doing things, we believe in doing things differently. We have what we call the Adron Standards in the way we do our designs. Whilst other real estate companies just want to delivers anyway they want, we deliver ours in different way. Adron Homes tries to make the incredible affordable. There are some properties that you will never know that with some amount of money you will ever own. That is part of our strength. We give out a payment strategy and modality that is so convenient for every one, for every Nigerian to own a property. That are our strength.
If you are to market those who live in Ibadan about the possibilities that Adron Homes is offering, what will you be saying to them?
What really brought Adron Homes to Ibadan is because of the request from some of our numerous existing clients and prospects both within and outside the country on the need to have a quality home or quality environment within the Ibadan region.
Some of those who live in Ibadan travel out to Lagos and they always tell us that they wish that they could have such housing schemes like they see outside there, either outside the country or in Lagos, and in some other cities around Nigeria, here in Ibadan.
That is what Adron Homes is bringing to Ibadan. Quality Homes. There is a difference between House and Housing. Housing deals more with the house and the other infrastructures that really surround the houses like drainages, good infrastructures, quality infrastructures.
These are the kind of things Adron Homes is bringing into play in the real estate business.
Tell us about the various housing projects or sites in Ibadan that people can buy into?
Presently we have 3 project sites in Ibadan where work is going on simultaneously. We came to Ibadan in April last year and we have 3 sites going on simultaneously. The 1st is the Western Park and Gardens at Ayegun, Oleyo, which is not too far from Akala express axis and Oluyole extension. It’s a very fantastic estate. We would not compromise on our standard. We are bringing life into that location. Things like that have not really happened in Ibadan. We are bringing to this place a touch of class.
We also have a site at Asejire called City Park and Gardens. Asejire is a very strategic location and very close to the old Oyo express road area. It is a fantastic location as well.
It comes with some monumental infrastructures that we are going to be putting in place there. Its a lovely location. It has a lot of prospects for intending buys.
We also have Rosewood Park & Gardens at Bako at Apata area. It is also a very good location. In these 3 locations work is going on simultaneously. Its a good one to buy for every intending buyers.
What are people buying? Are they buying land or houses?
Here at Adrons Homes we have a scheme whereby people can buy the land and spread the payment over a period of time and also the house as well and they spread the payment over a period of time. Its a combination of both land and houses. And all our houses come with all the necessary facilities within it. We sell luxury houses. What really makes us different is that we have actually been able to carve a niche for ourselves by making the incredible affordable.
How affordable are these land and houses?
We are presently working on a project on how to make land affordable. I mean totally affordable. Our target is the common Nigerian on the streets. We really want everybody to become a house owner. Some of the products and projects we are rolling out now are really targeted at every Nigerian. We are the first real estate company in Nigeria to start the daily payment of owning a property in Nigeria.
We started with paying N500 daily. Still most people find it hard to believe that with N500 daily you can actually own a property and that is what we have been able to achieve. Affordability comes in terms of the ease of payment. You don’t have to save for 100 years before you own a property. You can actually be paying in bits and pieces and you can own the property. And the same things goes for the home as well. We have a scheme now that allows you to spread your payment for 7 years for the land and the houses you can spread payment over 240 months payments, that is about 20 years. Its more like a mortgage at zero interest rate. There is no other company doing that in Nigeria. That is part of our strength. We have taken the Bull by the horn. We want to reduce the housing deficit in Nigeria drastically, that is our goal.