Home News Why You Need To Take BITTER KOLA Regularly

Why You Need To Take BITTER KOLA Regularly

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Welcome to your general health and well-being column..HEALTH- CHECK with Oluwabukunolami..

Hope you  had a beautiful weekend.

In this column, we shall be discussing bitter kola.

Garcinia kola or bitter kola is a tree that grows in the rain forests of west Africa.

The fruit, seeds, nuts and bark of the plant have been used for centuries in folk medicine to treat ailments from coughs to fever. According to a report from the Center For International Forestry Research, garcinia kola trade is still important to the tribes and villages in Nigeria.

The bitter kola plant,  is believed to contain a high source of vitamins and minerals such as Vitamins A, C, E, B1, B2, B3, fiber, calcium, potassium, and iron. It also has  antioxidant properties.

Due to this, research was carried out by accredited institutions to find out the possible healing attributes of the bitter kola. The results of the research are not only amazing, they’re incredible as well.

Bitter kola is widely taken raw and not prepared as food because of its medicinal attributes.


There are innumerable cures within nature which we overlook and yet, we need them in our lives when the complexity arises.

One such natural and wonderful cure for your problems is Garcinia kola  or bitter kola.

As the name implies, it is bitter for your taste bud, but immensely sweet in its ways to cure you. Irrespective of the taste, everything good has a bitter taste to it and sure it is a blessing in disguise for the sick.

Garcinia kola or in simple terms, bitter kola is an originant of western and central Africa. Signifying the importance of this second largest continent, it produces many healing wonders for us.

This write up will give an insight about the plant. The nutrient value of Garcinia Kola is wide.


Crude protein is essential for the survival of human beings and animals. Bitter kola has 11.27% of protein content in it. Along with the other protein-rich foods in your diet.


Carbohydrate is a biological molecule and an important source of energy. It works with other elements in strengthening your nerve tissue. This important element forms 70% of the nutrition in bitter kola.

(3) VITAMIN (B1)

Vitamin B1  involves itself in all the metabolism activities and is vital for a healthy body. This makes bitter kola more nutritious in the nutrient quotient.


This Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins. It is needed for the functioning of cells, bones, teeth, for boosting immune system and absorption of iron in the body. Bitter kola is rich in Vitamin C, making life much easy and healthy.


Tocopherol or vitamin E  helps in physiological functions.

It also helps in oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and maintaining healthy cells.


The combination of Sodium and Potassium maintains osmotic balance of body fluid and Ph.

It regulates muscles and helps in intolerance of light.

This is present in Garcinia Kola, which results in solving half of your skin problems……



Garcinia kola is effective in soothing fever, sore throat, congestions and symptoms of cold and cough.

There are innumerable cures within nature which we overlook and yet, we need them in our lives when the complexity arises.

Garcinia kola belongs to the species of a tropical flowering plant. It produces brown, nut like seeds , similar looking to kidney beans. This particular plant has proved to be a blessing for the inhabitants of Africa for its healing properties. Now, it’s reaching out to the world for its intrinsic properties to cure the human body in various ways.

This write up will give an insight about the plant..

Nutrient Content: The nutrient value of Garcinia Kola is wide. Let’s know about it.

(1) Protein:-Crude protein is essential for the survival of human beings and animals. Bitter kola has 11.27% of protein content in it. Along with the other protein-rich foods in your diet, consume this as well for a good enhancer.

(2) Carbohydrate: Carbohydrate is a biological molecule and an important source of energy. It works with other elements in strengthening your nerve tissue. This important element forms 70% of the nutrition in bitter kola.

(3) Vitamin B1:-Vitamin B1  involves itself in all the metabolism activities and is vital for a healthy body. This makes bitter kola more nutritious in the nutrient quotient.

(4) Vitamin C:-This Vitamin C is one of the essential vitamins. It is needed for the functioning of cells, bones, teeth, for boosting immune system and absorption of iron in the body. Bitter kola is rich in Vitamin C, making life much easy and healthy.

(5) Vitamin E: Tocopherol or vitamin E helps in physiological functions. It also helps in oxidation of unsaturated fatty acids and maintaining healthy cells.

(6) Sodium And Potassium: The combination of Sodium and Potassium maintains osmotic balance of body fluid and Ph. It regulates muscles and helps in intolerance of light. This is present in Garcinia Kola, which results in solving half of your skin problems.



Garcinia kola is effective in soothing fever, sore throat, congestions and symptoms of cold and cough.

(2) Arthritis:- For potential relief in osteoarthritis, bitter kola is an excellent disease modifier. It helps in the reduction of inflammation, pain, and immovable joints.

The root cause of your arthritis and displeasing pain may be a joint injury, obesity, aging or it may be hereditary.

Thus, the consumption of this miraculous plant can help cover all these problems and cure it.

For potential relief in osteoarthritis, bitter kola is an excellent disease modifier.

It helps in the reduction of inflammation, pain, and immovable joints.

The root cause of your arthritis and displeasing pain may be a joint injury, obesity, aging or it may be hereditary.

Thus, the consumption of this miraculous plant can help cover all these problems and cure it, from the root.

  • Bitter Kola and weight loss – Bitter kola promotes weight loss because it is a natural hunger suppressant and also increases the urge to drink more water. ….

Impotence Or Male Fertility:-Garcinia kola plant sometimes cures impotency by boosting up a man’s performance.

Weight Loss: This  problem of gaining weight can be solved in an easy way. Bitter kola has been known as a natural hunger suppressant, thereby, increasing the urge to drink water.

Immune Booster;- This African plant is a natural immunity booster against flu. Nature has its own natural medicines to treat diseases and infections which science hasn’t developed yet.


The wonderful properties of bitter kola treatd diabetes naturally on a regular and considerate consumption.

Garcinia-IHP is beneficial as a diabetics supplement.

* Anti-Poison

The bark and the seed when eaten together helps in detoxification of the human body during food poisoning can also be chewed to relieve the hoarseness of voice, sore throat and cough.

  • Bitter kola is used for the treatment of liver disorder, dysentery and diarrhoea.

The leaves are used to cure stomachache and pains, also they serve as a good remedy for typhoid fever.

Saponin found in bitter kola is used as a liver tonic, assisting in the gallbladder functions because of its cleansing properties.

Bitter kola has antioxidant properties used as a tonic for the liver and the gallbladder, which helps to detoxify the body system and it clears the voice by stimulating the production of mucus along the lining of the vocal tube which softens the dry throat.

It is also a known anti-poison. when food is suspected to be contaminated with bacteria, chewing of bitter kola can prevent the development of any infection or poison.

It reduces eye pressure and relieves arthritis by reducing swelling, pain and increase joint movement…

  • Bitter kola has been indicated in the treatment of laryngitis, general inflammation, bronchitis, viral infections and diabetes.

It is also taken dry as a remedy for dysentery and it provides an antidote against Strophanthus poisoning.

  • It improves lungs’ functions by expanding the alveolar ducts and sac in the lungs, thereby improving and strengthening the fibres in the lung tissue.
  • More health benefits of bitter kola include the treatment of a cough, sneezing, cold, diarrhoea, tuberculosis, bacterial infections and fever.

The seed extract of bitter kola is antiseptic and is active mostly against gram-positive bacteria, while the leaf, is active mostly against gram-negative bacteria.

  • Bitter kola is also very efficient for hepatitis treatment…

The stem, bark and seeds of bitter kola are used to treat acute fever, inflammation of the respiratory tract and throat infections..


Certain African cultures and scientific studies believe that bitter kola breaks down glycogen in the liver, prolonging life.


Bitter kola can be used in treating breast cancer as it has an anti-cancerous effect. Nature has a cure for something incurable as well.


(1)  Bitter -kola is used as an aphrodisiac. It is also used in the treatment of hepatitis and cirrhosis.

(2) Stem Bark:- Stem bark is used as a purgative.

The powdered form is applied to malignant tumors.

(3) Latex Or Gum:- The latex is used against gonorrhea and applied on fresh wounds to heal it.

(4) Sap: The sap of the bitter kola plant is anti-parasitic and used in curing skin diseases.



There are no definite side effects of having this natural  blissful plant. But, anything in excess or wrong proportion may show its evil side.

On certain occasions too much consumption of bitter kola is found to have some side effects :

Nausea and upset stomach:-

Increased weight  loss is noticed  in excess consumption of bitter kola

Extended sleep:-

Increase in sex drive

Irregular heartbeat

Certain bodies might just prove allergic to the plant and develop certain reactions. In such cases, it is advisable to stop the use.

Now we know that bitter kola is not actually bitter and has a sweet side which is healthy for us.

Nature is the best selfless caretaker.

Now I believe we  all know the health benefits of eating bitter- kola..

This is where we would be stopping this week.

As we say good bye,  remember it’s still early in the  year so why not make  to stay healthy through, lifestyle  changes, healthy living and eating .

Engage in exercises and don’t forget, discipline is the watch-word for a healthy life.

Stay away from junk food , practice lifestyle changes, eat healthy, take  lots of fruits, fibre, nuts and water  while also ensuring that you sleep well.

Life is Beautiful so live well,  love life and enjoy it.

Till I come your way again next week…

I remain yours in good health, .. Oluwabukunolami.

Like we always say, we would like to hear from you..you can send us mails through gregatt0305@gmail.com…you can also call , send sms or send whatsapp messages to 07054964619

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