Home News Never Give in nor throw in the towel

Never Give in nor throw in the towel

by Funke

There is this lovely song, the lyrics so encouraging, chiding melodiously, us all to never give up on the good thing if it does make one happy. From the lines, we understand that the pursuit of happiness is one insatiable driving force to attain success. Someone says based on the love for good things, potentially the practical zeal is fierce constantly driven to attain the utmost motive to acquire financial freedom and upliftment. This zest must not be at all cost though, many tend to throw caution to the wind. The truth be told the pursuit for comfort or happiness in some cases can be self-destructive, and many develop over time the tendency for drug addiction and other complications. Happiness in its entirety comes from within and is GOD given. Many will want to argue and dispute this fact, believing that success is personal however studies reflect that self actualisation is a spiritual entity, as many struggles in spite of accomplishments never guarantee fulfillment. The thirst for more remains the dilemma of man as the quest becomes continually surreal. In short out of this world existing in the imaginary, as Solomon rightly alludes, it’s all about chasing after the wind, plainly vanity.

By nature, every man with a purpose will do his best to unravel and conquer as each dream and desire unfolds. Some call it vision, purpose, desire, dreams, aspirations, or even challenges, whichever way we see it, these are all tasks demanding for expression. In essence, everywhere we look there are creative entities stumbled on, worked on assiduously, and birthed out of serious competitive hands and imaginations. All these make our world go round. Translating to the fact that everyone possesses a salient purpose which must manifest even for everyday living exacting the distribution of income. Intrinsically linked to the birthing of civilization necessitating technology as we see today. Invariably any attempt to cut short, annihilate or snuff out any ones ambition is totally incongruous to human nature and development. Therefore it’s important and noteworthy to be an inspiration and never a dream killer, as many have ended, totally thrown out of the race of life’s achievement through arrant ignorance and abandonment.

Leading me to share with the reader, my uncle’s experience, many years back, my Uncle expressed his desire to run for the House of Assembly and to my utter dismay, most family members were totally against this move. Many thought he was better off as an observer, thinking it safer for him not to get directly involved. Even his father a guru in politics was not so sure, and the closest people to him turned hostile. At this point, it’s important to mention the fact that Uncle was not totally a saint, in the past, he had defected and joined forces with his father’s opponent. Glaringly there were issues of trust and other factors which can not be discussed based on relevance. Long story short, irrespective of family approval, my uncle made good use of the family name, experience and goodwill and won, becoming an honourable member of the House. Surpassing expectations, winning and gaining his self-respect, proving to us that he was not a passive recipient but a valuable member of the family and his nation. Also on gaining membership he displayed valiantly upholding his position as he became a positive voice bringing to fore necessary development. At the end of his life, this was what spoke for him. In his honour a special session was slated for him, to applaud and appreciate his input. For me this was one work that remains self-congratulatory, confirming and affirming the Scriptures, stating that the end of the matter is always better than the beginning or better still should be better than the birth situation. Great things can indeed happen when we step out of our comfort zone, with self-belief!!!

In conclusion, this write-up is to encourage our upcoming Sons and daughters to always have independent reasoning irrespective of what people think, self-belief should be your watchword. Sometimes the cheering can be few, the applause space even with the thinning of the crowd, these are not indicative of the full picture rather they are tests. Tenacity, confidence, diligence with a sense of purpose as you pray will get you there. Greatness is not a fluke, vision drives you to the attainment, availing and gaining pragmatic skills must be your focus, never giving in, your mantra is to always “Go for it” , what GOD cannot do, does not exist !!!!!

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