Home News The New City People Event Centre Should Be Made A Grooming Ground Where New Professionals And Entrepreneurs Are Made, RMCL Boss, Wale Deinde

The New City People Event Centre Should Be Made A Grooming Ground Where New Professionals And Entrepreneurs Are Made, RMCL Boss, Wale Deinde

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Wale Deinde, is the Executive Director Strategies & Operations Revolutionary Marketing Concepts Limited and also the Vice President, Nigeria Self Help Group Initiative. In this exclusive interview, the brilliant entrepreneur speaks extensively about the state of the economy, the cause of economic stagnancy and the possible way out. He also talks about how his company RMCL is cognitively contributing to alleviating extreme poverty and unemployment through its many youth-focused and economic driven initiative.

Q : what can you say about the current state of the economy?

A:  Well I will answer your question from just the unemployment angle which to me is the biggest monster ravaging our economy presently. Nigeria as country has talents yet to unleunleashcountry where opportunities abound and I am of the opinion that if all our youths are giving fair treatment countries like Malaysia, Singapore should be following us. Imagine what is happening in the computer village where youths are going through a short training and within few weeks they will dissect phones that took a white man years to build. So all I am saying in essence is that our youths should be groomed to be more of entrepreneurs than job seekers.

Q : what is your company doing to help in this regards?

A:  Let me correct you on one thing, RMCL is never a company but a platform where people are groomed to become self reliant. Basically everyone is welcome in RMCL, We always say to people even if don’t have anything in mind to earn a living. Even if you think you don’t have definite direction in life we will advise you to come join RMCL and I bet you within the first three weeks you will have countless direction and enough business ideas to work on to not just earn a living but to make life. We have our top consultants giving regular trainings, we have our strategists that will be working to probe your passions and we have our guerrilla marketers to show you how to launch out. You can see it is a full dose, complete package and, total transformation.

Q: Sir, your Company or Platform as you rightly stated is known for bringing up so many beneficial concepts for all works of life, what are the newest concepts ?

A ; Thank you for that complement, RMCL is known as a Rig where the exploration of crude ideas take place, we have the refinery where the ideas are been processed for use and the farm tank for storage. We have the Micro Idea Bank for anyone to walk in and get a business idea and the Business Clinics where adequate therapies are giving to ailing businesses. Presently, for students going on industrial Attachment we have our REVOFIX to ensure there is placement for all, there is REVOSOURCE for graduates to ensure that they are sustainably employed, we have our REVONET to help bankers, insurers and, all service marketers meet their targets without sweat. RMCL has Marketing Square where young manufacturers can come showcase their products. We are coming out with the biggest entrepreneur group caked the AMEN (Association of Micro Entrepreneurs in Nigeria), this is a platform that is opened to all small business owners with the intention of growing their businesses from micro to macro.

Q: Today you witnessed the grand opening of the City People Media Event Centre, what can you say about it?

A: Firstly I want to congratulate the entire City People Media Group or this feat achievement and I pray the group will keep going from height to height. Personally I know that City People has groomed so many journalists, editors and so on, I think is high time the company looks into also turning the event center into a training ground for young entrepreneurs. Let it look like training field where future business leaders are groomed.

Q: How will RMCL partners with City People on this?

A: As I said earlier, on Exploration, Refining and, distributions, the new City People Event Center will be suitable as a refining ground where regular trainings take place. RMCL can be organizing trainings in conjunction with other Professionals and Consultancy firms every fortnight. As RMCL contributions to the development of Human Capacities in the country, all trainings will be comprehensive and affordable hoping City people will oblige.

Q : Finally, what is your advice for the youths ?

A :  My advice is that Continuous learning is the minimum requirement for success in any field and to become your own Do-It-Yourself Project youths must be ready to be tutored so when they call for trainings they must make themselves available for this. Imagine if you are told how much some youths spend on buying airtime to talk on phone it will amaze you but the same youth cant afford to come for affordable trainings that can add value to his or her life. It is simply the law of nature that whatsoever a man soweth that he shall reap, so let all youths sow bountifully into their future through regular trainings.



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