Home Dating & Romance Nothing Beats Having Sex With Your Clothes On!

Nothing Beats Having Sex With Your Clothes On!

by Daniji Emmanuel

There is a certain mystic that sex with clothes on offers that sex without clothes on never does. Sex without clothes on is unofficially the perfect definition for boring sex in this jet age.

Sex without clothes on somehow distills focus and put pressure on both couples. For instance, when clothes are off, it is difficult to avoid processing the details of our physical bodies.

There is too much fat. Her boobs are too big. His penis is too small. He has got too much hair on his chest and so on and so fort. These things as little as they are, they push focus away from the love making.

Making love with your clothes on means you must focus on your loving connection, the “energy” you and your partner exchange, your vocalizations, the ways you see into your partner and let your partner see into you, the ways your bodies move together, how you touch your partner – particularly their face and hands, and any sweet words you choose to whisper.

One other reason why making love with your clothes on works so well is that it removes the pressure to perform. Clothes-on love-making gives men an opportunity to not have to worry about how long they are lasting, or how erect they are. It gives women a chance to enjoy the experience without the pressure of orgasm.

“Staying partially clad builds anticipation and makes sex feel spontaneous,” says Georgia clinical sexologist Gloria G. Brame, PhD.


So next time, before you waste energy and kill immediacy which builds passion by undressing yourself.. do this rather: just push your underwear aside and enjoy sex. The immediacy of it is sweet and unforgettable.

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