This time tomorrow
Me: Happy New Month Sir
Boss: Why were you absent from work yesterday?
Me: #WorkersDay Sir, I'm sorry
Boss:— FAVOUR ONYEOZIRI (@Rouvafe) May 1, 2017
"I Consider Owing 12 Months Salary As Unreasonable", NLC VP Slams Kogi Govt. #WorkersDay
— Channels Television (@channelstv) May 1, 2017
When U're unemployed but every1 is saying happy #WorkersDay but U can still relate cuz searching for a job in Nigeria is a job on its own.
— BILLION (@BillionTwiTs) May 1, 2017
Let's not forget the workers who were gunned down fighting for fair wages & better conditions in Marikana!— Tumi Sole (@tumisole) May 1, 2017
#WorkersDay: workers of the world unite for u have nothing to lose, but your chains ✊?
— IG: @MbuyiseniNdlozi (@MbuyiseniNdlozi) May 1, 2017
How do we begin to celebrate #workersday in RSA with the unemployment rate, ridiculous requirements to get jobs and closed industries?
— Zac IssaSavage? (@Isaac_Moselane) May 1, 2017
On this day I celebrate my 2 aunts who worked for years as domestic servants, one in Cape Town, the other in Bez Valley. #WorkersDay
— Brenda Wardle (@BrendaWardle) May 1, 2017
Unemployed people and celebrating workers day, same whatsapp group #WorkersDay
— A U B R E Y (@KingAubz) May 1, 2017
#ThingsIWillNeverUnderstand how can we celebrate #WorkersDay while we unemployed njani kdwa???
— Kwanele Biyase(KB) (@KBiyase) May 1, 2017
Whilst out and about, let's be considerate to those who'll be assisting us at malls, restaurants etc.— Tumi Sole (@tumisole) May 1, 2017
Don't ever get stuck. Life is like school. You can either graduate or remain in the same class forever. #WorkersDay
— ♛The Trillest King♛ (@TumediTreezy) May 1, 2017
#WorkersDay Thor way…
— Movies Now 2 (@MoviesNow2) May 1, 2017
Iran: on eve of #May1, trade unionists imprisoned or facing lengthy prison sentences #WorkersDay
— Amnesty Iran (@AmnestyIran) April 30, 2017