Home News Outgoing President Of Rotary Club Of IKEJA GRA’s Speech

Outgoing President Of Rotary Club Of IKEJA GRA’s Speech

by City People
Rotary Club

This Rotary Year has been both interesting and challenging for us as a Club with the various Social and economic challenges among which was the COVID-19 Pandemic. The year kicked off very well with the passing of the baton from where we as Rotarians were Inspired to Serve (in the previous year) to this year with a “Challenge to strengthen the many ways that Rotary Connects the World, building the connections that allow talented, thoughtful, and generous people to unite and take meaningful action through Rotary service” And this was our commitment.

The official Event took place on the 4th of July, 2019 when the rest of the Current Year Club Officers and I were inducted into office. For us, it was call to Selfless Service through our resources in Time, Talent and Treasure. This auspicious Event was also a successful fund raising one for the club and was witnessed by many friends of Rotary, fellow United Presidents and Rotarians from other Clubs, Club Members and a few District Leaders. Notable among them were our Dear Immediate Past District Governor Rtn. Kola Sodipo, PDG Rtn. Somo Omoniyi, the Club’s Assistant Governor Rtn. Raf Abanum, His Excellency Senator Ganiyu O. Solomon, His Excellency Mr. Donald Duke and the media crew from Lagos Television who graciously covered and aired the Event.

The 2 major areas of focus for us this year according to our Rotary International President (2019/2020) Rtn. Mark Maloney are •Membership Development, •The Rotary Foundation Funding.

On Membership we gained a total increase of seven (7) New Members and all other twenty five members were retained. One member joined us from another Rotary Club. As of today we have at least 8 Prospective Members We are seriously following up and shall continue to do so in the next Rotary Year.

Various Club activities were carried our during and outside Club Meetings. Our “We Care” program has been very effective too. On Service Projects, even though we didn’t meet all targets in this area with the challenges of the pandemic, we aligned with the various Rotary International Monthly Areas of Focus and executed Service Projects and held Seminars and Impactful Presentations. .

We donated to the Rotary Foundation and to the “One Million Dollar Challenge” Project (an initiative of the District Governor to raise funds for the Foundation). Our Club also keyed into the Districts Star Project, The Vaccination of The Girl Child against Cervical Cancer by donating into the cause. We currently have thirteen (13) Paul Harris Fellows. We produced one Major Donor, AG Rtn. Bukola Bakare this year.


Rotary Club of Ikeja GRA sponsored four Rylareans to the Rotary Youth Leadership Academy (RYLA 2019-2020) where some of our Youths are usually trained to take charge of the future as responsible Leaders.

On the Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) we had one Member graduating on the 3rd (the last) level, two attended on Level 2 and five attended the 1st level. Hopefully these Members will continue to graduate and more members will join in the coming year. We participated in the other various Trainings, Seminars and Meetings at the District. Our District and Rotary International Dues were promptly paid.

The very important and remarkable official yearly visit of our District Governor, Rtn. Jide Akeredolu and his entourage to the Club was on the 15th of August, 2020. It was 3 phased on the same day.

During his visit, the DG commissioned our Rotary Public Image Project at Ikeja round about.

He also had a meeting with the Club President and the other Members of the Board of Directots of the Club. Finally the District Governor had Fellowship with us at our usual weekly meeting where our contribution to DEWEF as presented to the him. These events were aired on Lagos Television and different Social Media.

We participated in the Rotary Awareness walk. With the emergence of the Pandemic our usual physlcal meetings went virtual on ZOOM like other clubs from the middle of March to date. We were able to donate some COVID-19 paliatives with the assistance of some funds from the District The Club also sponsored and widely circulated a Video Campaign on the Fight Against COVID-19.

To the glory of God and hard work of all Members •We got 4th and 5th positions In both Rotary’s Area of Focus and “We Care” Categories respectively. •Our Excellent Club also came 6th out of over 100 Clubs in the overall performance rating at the District level. •On the Rotary Intematlonal leve the Club was accredited for Presidential Citation with Distinction.These, I must say are quite laudable and we hope to do even better in the years ahead. All fn all, I must say we have done well as a Club In spite of the prevailing soclo- economic challenges worldwide. To the glory of God and hard work of all Members we got 4th and 5th positions In both Rotary’s Area of Focus’ and “We Care Categories respectlvely.

We thank God for His grace to accomplish all we did and for keeping us all alive and well.

We appreciate immensely our Rotary International President, Rtn. Mark Maloney for his great leadership in Uniting us to Connect the World. Our profound appreciation goes to our amiable District Governor Rtn. Jide Akeredolu whose able leadership, support and encouragement have been immense and has left enduring legacies in the District; all District Leaders, District Secretary, other District Officers and Staff for their hard work in ensuring the seamless running and growth of the District.

We also thank our Immediate Past District Governor, Rtn. Kola Shodipo who is ever so supportive of our Club; the Captain of the United Presidents’ Set Rtn. (Dr.) Abiodun Osiyemi and all other United Presidents, Members of other Clubs, our Families and Friends of Rotary who have always supported us.

Last but definitely not the least, I want to specially thank our Club’s Assistant Governor, Rtn. Raf Abanum for his great supervisory role and support; Our Charter President and Council of Past Presidents who have been the pillars of support for the Club; our Esteemed Board of Directors and Club Officers; and indeed all Members of our Excellent Club for your immense support, encouragement and sacrifice. The inputs of your Time, Talent and Treasure are unquestionable.

I must also thank the United President, Rotaractor Gbenga Aremo Ajayi and all Rotaractors of Rotract Club of Ikeja GRA for their great support in the year. In the words of Rtn. Estes Snedecar of the Rotary Club of Oregon “Rotary’s strength lies in the sincerity of purpose of its members”.

This, you have all demonstrated. Without you we could not have had a success story of this Club.

Yours in the Service of Rotary always,

Rtn. Sylvia Abdalla

Club President 2019-2020

For story submissions and inquiries, please email us at citypeopleonline96@gmail.com

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