Penultimate Sunday at the mountain of fire and miracle ministries, the general overseer of the church, Pastor DK Olukoya reveals some things about taking charge of one’s life and environment at the church service during his usual important and informative announcement before the commencement of his sermon. Every second Sundays of the month is an empowerment Sunday where members are taught on how they can empower themselves thereby making a positive impact in their environment. As soon as he mounted the stage after some prayer points, he talked about the church’s achievement and achievement of some members who are dominating their environment, he revealed that in the MFM Congregation there are members who are husbands and wife and who currently serves as the chairman of some local government recently sworn in.
He charged all members to always take the lead and not let illiterate people rule over christians who has dominion to take on power and empower themselves and the public. He revealed that members and christians as a whole should take on leadership positions in their different callings and areas of specialization. He also urged members to atleast belong to a party where their vote will count and collectively have a voice that there is enough membership strength to support any Christian members vying for any political post in the country. He also revealed that he is not a one party man, that he supports and belongs to all the party as far as supporting Christians and his members is concerned. The revelation led to the topic of the empowerment section where he taught on the way of empowerment/Heart searching for personal revival, “Christians have been standing as spectators and watch unbeliever getting richer for a long time.
The numerous programmes on prosperity that so many churches run has not produce the required result, unless we reorganize our strategy, many believers will remain in is the power of the word that can empower you to arise from where you are. Many people don’t understand the principle of empowerment, you do not need loads and loads of money to start a giant business, Gods people are not economically empowered to support the work of God and it is very bad, if there is any group of people who should excel in prosperity, it should be the children of God because it is written, the earth is the Lord. The principles of wealth creation are there, once somebody understands it, whether he is a Christian or not, the person gets the wealth but if you are now a Christian, you have an additional advantage to support your own with prayers, the advantage which they don’t have, you now go above them. If any children of God should prosper exceedingly, it should be the children of God but again, the unfortunate words of scriptures have come to past, my people perish because of lack of ignorance and it is a very serious problem.
God wants us to prosper so that you can even support the course of the gospel, God wants us to prosper in order to take care of ourselves, in order to take care of the needs of our family, in order to help the needy, poor, deprived, in order to invest in our future. Many are not prepared to work hard enough, they are very lazy, they are not prepared to do some jobs they believe it is below their level to move on. To say there is no job is purely unacceptable. You must provide something for God to bless. You must have a wealth creating brain, many need to check some things about their lives, many need to check their sleeping habits, many need to check pride in their lives. many are just sitting down looking for a capital to start a job, you are just purely lazy. there are 2 keys that will get you whatever you want in life: key of power and key of wisdom, they can get you anything you want. If you don’t use the key, it will pull you down. Empowerment allows you to unlock your hidden potentials, information is a key to empowerment. Changing just one thing in your life can change your financial life forever and that thing I want you to change is the way you think because the bible says as the man thinketh in his heart, so is he. There is no poverty of money but poverty of ideas.
More than any other time, we all need personal revival, heart searching for personal revival. Anyone looking carefully at modern day Christianity and then comparing it with the time of the apostles, you will find out that something is terribly wrong. there is a lot of I don’t care attitude now and this is a lamentable tragedy, commitment level has gone low and many are battling spiritual malaria and all kinds. Some people don’t want words that will make them change their lifestyle. Sin has cut some peoples hand short that they cannot reach their maximum for God even many pastors are confused and the younger ones ask us questions, that, why should people who have disobeyed God coming into the church? we need to get our lives revived. For you to be revived, confession of sin is important for your soul.