Pastor D.K, Olukoya, the General Overseer of the MFM is a respected man of God. Recently, in one of his writings he revealed the general principle for achieving anything you want to achieve in live. He calls it the Five Ds.
You must desire that you want it; those who have made differences in our world are men who started with a vision, a desire in their heart. When you see a young man with vision, he talks future. He talks what he wants to become; he talks sense. When you see a young man without vision, he’s hanging about in all corners of the place with one girl or the other, he has no vision, his vision is sex, which he will do for a few minutes, and it is over and that may even put him in trouble, serious trouble, so the first thing is desire.
That is, you decide that you must achieve what you want to achieve; you could have a desire without a decision; okay, I want to make a First Class, that’s a desire; decision now decides that whatever it’s going to take me, I have a rugged determination to succeed.
You have a desire, you make a decision, then you determine. When somebody is determined to achieve something; he proceeds on it, when you have no determination, you have no focus. The Bible says, ‘This one thing I do, there are so many things’ but Apostle Paul said, ‘This one thing I do, that is focus,
That is where most of us collapse. When that Indian teacher came into our class that day, the Methodist Boys High School, he was supposed to teach Mathematics, but here is a man who you will bring to class to teach Mathematics, but his mouth was always gyrating, he would go to the east, to the west, talk about football, he would make fun of people sitting at the front row who came to repeat their school certificate, so when this Indian man entered the class, he pointed at them and said, ‘Class, all these three people, a Lazarus has come down to you: He called them Lazarus that came from the dead; it was the same man who said, If you want to escape poverty, read our books: then I heard that and nobody taught us that in church, that is, we could at least escape poverty.
So, I started to read from 9am to 3am every day for one year. I was not interested in watching television and thank God, in that time, immediately it is 11 o’clock, Nigerian television would close down, and play the then national anthem. The TV closes down in your eyes, if you like, be watching blankTV. But now, 24/7, there is something to distract you, but those who are determined and are disciplined, they don’t get distracted.
Distraction is a serious problem that has made people not to achieve their destiny.
A vocal man in the community got into trouble with the king and the king said he must be executed for insulting him, so people began to beg for him. The king’s wife begged on his behalf, so the king said I would give the man one more chance to see whether he would be insulting or not.
So, the man was supposed to carry a glass of water from the market place to the palace, in a distance of three miles and he was supposed to bring that water to the palace without any drop spilling on the ground, so the king
arranged people on the road. People on the left side were hailing him, saying, ‘Yes, you are the kind of people we want to talk sense into their head; while people on the right were saying, ‘Idiot, foolish man, you are abusing king!’ But he had to carry a cup of water filled to the brim to the palace without a drop falling on the floor, and he did it, so after he had succeeded in taking the cup three miles, they asked him, ‘What was your secret?’ He said, ‘I focused on the
water, so focus, discipline. So you must discipline yourself. It’s the same thing in the spiritual realm. You want to become a prayer warrior, you want to become a prophet of God, discipline is there. That fasting is discipline, that prayer is discipline, so you will discipline yourself. You will read more than others do; you will
There are some people, even after they have worked hard, if there are powers, harassing their life, they will still not succeed, there are people like that, some people as I was sharing at the headquarters about three weeks ago, I was at Heathrow airport, and we were about to enter into the UK. I was by one immigration officer, the Nigerian young man was by an immigration officer, but you could hear what they were saying because they were not in a case, so, I heard him talking to the man, he said: ‘Okay, you have come in here to study for PhD, so he took the passport, and said‘what did you say your name was again? He said, ‘I am Barrack Obama. The whit man looked at him and said ‘Excuse me, I said what is your name?’ He said, ‘l said I am Barack Obama: I, standing there, knew that something has gone wrong.
The evil powers of his father’s house were waiting for him at the terribleness of the gate, therefore, they waited at the gate, so, that is where deliverance comes in.