“Love is not the basis for marriage; marriage is the basis for love. Being loved is the second thing in the world, loving someone is the best”.
Do you ever wonder why newly wedded couple will be so happy with each other, make promises to each other and have so much affection for one another only to live together for some time and the affection, Tantalizers, McDonalds reduces.
Statistics have shown that 90% of relationships experienced the period of Mr. Biggs, Tantalizers, exchanging of gifts and picnics and 80% of such relationship end up with punching, cheating, and wary!
To save your relationship from the shackles of doom and to ensure that it is filled with the hot, passionate and sizzling relationship that it was from the beginning, it is paramount to make yourself indispensable to your spouse. Here are 10 highly guarded secret to be an irresistible wife…..
- Prayerful Wife: If you are God fearing and prayerful. If you are wise enough to commit the affairs of your husband into the hands of God instead of trying to fight your way through; you will win many battles with his even not knowing you did. It might sound funny to you; but to make yourself irresistible to your husband ask God with a strong knee. Ensure that you pray for all the aspect of his life you find demeaning; His relationship with God, his friends, his decisions, his sexuality, his children, his mind, his family, his thinking, his character, his finances, his direction, his habits, his safety. Just about anything and every thing you want. It sure will save you a lot of headache.
- A Hot Chick: when you ask most women what the number one thing for being a good wife is; 70% of them will respond- “A good cook”. When you ask most Men; 90% of them will respond- “A sexy wife”. Men are controlled by their sexual desire your husband inclusive. The earlier you admit this to yourself the better. You might be the best cook in the world, you might be the best home manager but without satisfying your husband sexually, you might as well be ready to share him even without your consent. Make sure that you give your husband the best of yourself sexually, “dress to kill” for him, be fun, romantic, exciting and adventurous when it comes to your sex life. Give it all it takes. In short “Be your husband’s mistress (bitch) not his wife or mother”.
- A Terrific Cook: well being a good cook is sure part of the list but there is a catch; you need to be not just a good cook but a terrific cook! Men love food and they appreciate good timely meal. Don’t just cook meals that your husband likes make it timely. Be creative when you make his dish; don’t let it be just Rice, Eba or Amala everyday; also make him the fresh fish pepper soup he is always clamoring to eat at the “joint”, roasted chicken, milk shake and so on. Just let your imagination run wild that he gets to always asking the question when he is coming back from work“ I wonder what today’s delight will be”. If your husband usually first go to the joint immediately after getting his salary before coming home… you are already found wanting in this aspect. And not just make him good food; also serve him like a king!
- A Submissive Wife: the greatest desire of a woman is to be loved passionately by her husband, the greatest desire of a man is to be respected! The crave of respect of a man is almost laughable but it will do you good not to laugh about this but to take it seriously. Your husband wants you to respect him despite your beauty, your degree, your status, your intelligence. He wants you to make him feel like the wiser one even when he is not. So stop trying to go into battle with him on “My point is…” but submit to his authority. You will end up making most of the decisions in the home if you do this.
- An Intelligent Wife: your husband cannot resist you if you are the type that supports him in everything. He will always confide in you and rely on you for a lot of things if you can show you are up to the task. Take care of his finances, business strategy, contribute to his business growth, and decision making. Don’t just be the one always ready to spend the dough but also suggest to him how to make more dough. Remember I said suggest not enforce your opinion.
- A Loving Wife: if you understand how to play the game of love; your husband will be your number one fan. Every person crave the “adventure of love”. Don’t end the adventure simply because you are married or the “realities of life” as set in. Ensure that in your little time, you squeeze out easy- to- do but very memorable loving moments that will keep the spark in your relationship going.
- A Teachable Wife: for no reason sometimes men just want to assert their authority. It will do you a lot of good if you realize this and be humble enough to be taught. Be ready to take instructions and corrections without being a “figure head”. Be ready for reproof if need be. Have a mind of a student.
- A Family Conscious Wife: your husband might prove with all his actions that he will prefer to be “Me and my wife” but this can’t be farther from the truth. Deep down in him your husband wants you to knot the family ties. He wants you to have his siblings once in a while for a family dinner, he wants you to treat his parents as your own especially his mother. Reporting your mother- in-law to your husband all the time irritates him even when he knows you are right. So Dearie, earn the love of not only your husband but your in-laws. Make yourself a terrific sister in-law, daughter in-law, mother-in-law etc. If you don’t sometimes “Plot coup” with your mother- in-law or sister-in-law or brother-in-law for your husband; you are already failing in this aspect.