Human beings are born to be sexual. According to Yvonne Bekker, a Johannesburg based sexologist, “human beings are sexual beings, from the womb to the tomb. Our bodies build up sexual energy and this needs to be released in the form of good, consensual sex”.
However, as pleasurable and healthy as it can be, sex also comes with its own risks, which include STIs and unwanted pregnancies. There is also physical danger associated with engaging in the act, as shown in TV shows like Sex Sent Me To the ER.
A recent research study looked into the most dangerous sexual positions for men. The results? Missionary and doggy style are most likely to lead to penis fractures.
The study, titled Relationship between sexual position and severity of penile fracture, looked at 90 men with penile fractures aged 18-66.
Doggy style was found to be the most dangerous position for men. “The sexual position at the time of injury varied, with 23 cases (25,5%) occurring in the ‘man-on-top’, 37 cases (41%) in the ‘doggy style’ and nine cases (10%) in the ‘woman-on-top’,” the researchers found.
The reason that these positions pose a greater danger, according to the researchers, is because “we can speculate that when the man is in a dominant position and very excited, intercourse can become extremely vigorous, triggering greater impact at the time of trauma when the penis slips out of the vagina and hits against the perineum or pubic symphysis,” says Huffington Post.
Although the penis does not have a bone, it is very possible to fracture it. According to Mayo Clinic, when “an engorged penis is bent suddenly or forcefully, the trauma can rupture the lining of one of the two cylinders in the penis (corpus cavernosum) responsible for erections — resulting in a penis fracture.”
Additional research: Mayo Clinic, Huffington Post