by Wale Deinde

Good morning all, let me congratulate us as our economy is gradually opening up for businesses. I know many of us might have lost some good Customers/Clients but never mind, there is hope of regaining the lost Clients and even gain new ones if we follow our lesson for the day.

There is a logical sequence to building a business, whether it is online or offline. There are certain things that must be done in order to see your business grow. By committing to follow these steps, you can attract more clients and have the kind of income you want after the pandemic.

Get Clear on Who You are Targeting

Before you begin any marketing, you must find your target audience. Do your research and discover who your products or services can help the most. Without a clear understanding of exactly who you are targeting, your marketing cannot be effective.

Specializing your approach will definitely help your conversion rate. It may make you nervous to think of narrowing your options, but it is the first step in attracting more long-term clients. Here is one more benefit to narrowing down your focus: each time you specialize a little more, you are able to charge more for your services.

Understand What They Really Want Emotionally and Logically

Once you have identified your best target audience, it is time to learn what they really, really want. What do they dream of accomplishing? What keeps them awake at night?

There is no point in marketing your products if you are not sure what your target market wants. Here is a key concept: people buy what they want, not what you think they need. Get to know your market and you will find making sales much easier.

Package What You are Offering Towards Desired End Results

Because you understand your market so well, you know the desired end result they do like to achieve. The closer you get to that desired end result, the better you will do in business. Package your products toward that result, so that you are always meeting the needs of your clients.

When you are really tuned into the needs of your target market, you will experience the rush of business running smoothly. You will stop having to push and shove to make sales and see how it all flows together—the needs of a group of people, and products packaged to meet those needs. What is the takeaway? People do not buy because they understand something; they buy because they feel understood.

Create an Irresistible Offer

What, exactly, are you delivering with your products, and what must the client give in return? To be effective in marketing, you need to be able to answer that question in one sentence. Here is an example: “Give me ten minutes per day and I will give you the body you have always wanted.”

You want to state your offer in a compelling way that has people raising their hands to say “I want that!” Work on developing your one-sentence offer; it will form the basis of all your other marketing.

Go Find Your Target Audience

Where do the people most likely to buy your products hang out? Do they congregate on online discussion forums? What publications do they read? Which organizations do they join?

If you have done good market research in the previous steps, you will already know the answers. Now, go out there and make your irresistible offer to them in ads, talks, comments on forums and whatever way you can that makes them affordably reachable.

Practice Great Follow-up

You have done your research, created great products, packaged them to meet the needs of your target audience, and made your offer where they congregate. To maximize all the hard work you have already done, you must follow-up consistently.

The best way to make sure that happens is by automating and systematizing as much of your follow-up as possible. Here is the rule: Always follow up, and find ways to make it automatic.

Close the Sale

This one gets stepped around so often, and that is a shame, because it is essential if you want to succeed. Learn how to ask for their business. For some companies, that might mean a face-to-face meeting, and for many others, the entire sales process can be automated. Unless money changes hands, you are not really in business.

Whichever way you chose to close, you must give your prospects enough information that they can buy with confidence. Automate that information-sharing as much as you can so that you can expand your impact in less time.

Make Additional Offers

The bulk of your profits are going to be made from additional sales to satisfied customers. You have already built a relationship with them and they know you can be trusted. Create products you can offer them as you continue to listen and hear what solutions they need.

These long-term clients give your business stability, and you are not out chasing new clients constantly. Learning to make additional offers will make the difference in whether your business lasts.

Following these steps puts you on the path to attracting new clients and earning more income especially when Nigeria Economy is opening up gradually. Keep working through them until you have perfected your products and your offer. Automate as many of your processes as you can, and do not forget to offer additional products to satisfied customers. By doing so, you will be on the road to the income you want.

Thank you.

For story submissions and inquiries, please email us at citypeopleonline96@gmail.com

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