•Widow, SEINYE O.B. LULU-BRIGGS Reveals Details As you can imagine our sons were extremely upset with the manner in which whatever plans they had for the postmortem on July 1, …
Late Chief Lulu Briggs
•SEINYE Reveals Why She Stayed Away From His Burial Intrigues and Treachery ruled over the family of the late multimillionaire Oil mogul, High Chief O.B Lulu-Briggs 2-years and-3-months after his …
“The storm is over and O.B Lulu-Briggs could see the rising sunshine somewhere beyond the clouds. It was time for the LEGEND in him to be unleashed to the world. …
•The Blow-By-Blow Account Of His Burial Saturday 13th of March, 2021 was the climax of the burial ceremony of High Chief Olu Benson Lulu-Briggs who was born on May 22, …