Home Lifestyle The Idea Behind #WCW: Women Crush Wednesday

The Idea Behind #WCW: Women Crush Wednesday

by Arinze Ago

Wednesday, aka Hump Day, aka the toughest day of the week. It’s not the beginning of the week, yet it’s not close enough to be hyped about the weekend. It seems as if daydreaming is at an all-time high on Wednesdays. That’s probably one of the factors that led to the creation of #WCW or “Women Crush Wednesday.”

#WCW is when social media enthusiasts post a picture of their current woman crushes on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram. It could be a significant other or maybe a celebrity figure that you admire.

Remember to keep the #WCW post clean and also remember that the excessive use of #WCW may make you look really “thirsty,” as today’s kids would say. That’s a social media hashtag etiquette no-no.

WCW began on Twitter as a way to tag posts about women that people admire or find attractive. It then spread to other social networks like Instagram, Facebook, and Tumblr.

The meaning of #WCW varies, of course, depending on context. For instance, some use it as an abbreviation for “World Championship Wrestling,” “Wonderful Crush Wednesday,” or “Woman Crush Wednesday,” the singular version of the same tag.


WCW is an offshoot of MCM, which, as you might guess, stands for “man crush Monday.”

Where to Find WCW Posts

WCW is particularly popular on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Tumblr.

Because it’s so short, many people use the tag #WCW as an acronym on Twitter, which only allows 140 characters per post. However, others actually write out the full tag as #WomenCrushWednesday, especially on Facebook and Tumblr where length doesn’t matter as much.

Some people also tweak the tag and use “woman,” so you’ll find a lot of related content tagged #WomanCrushWednesday.

How To Use The #WCW

The trend is to do WCW posts on Wednesdays, which of course is the literal meaning of the second “W” in the tag. Just tag the photo with the appropriate hashtag, like #WCW or #WomanCrushWednesday.

WCW has become a cultural “award” or unofficial honor that anyone can bestow on anyone, and the language used in #WCW posts often includes verbs associated with awards, like “goes out to,” “deserves,” or “has won my #WCW.”

 WCW is used in a variety of ways and for a multitude of purposes. Among them:
  • Boyfriends often post pictures of their girlfriends and tag them #WCW.
  • Men also use it to post pictures of women they have a crush on, even if they’ve never dated or if they just like the woman.
  • Women use it, too, though. Girls often post a picture of their close friends as a way to show admiration and respect.
  • People of all genders use it to give a hat tip or shout out to people they consider awesome, typically with simple posts that say “you’ve always been there for me,” “<this person> is major WCW material,” or “my wcw goes out to the best <X> ever.”
  • Many other people use it to post photos of celebrities, models and other famous women, especially ones they consider attractive. The WCW tag has a big emphasis on beauty in general and sexy photos in particular.
  • Some local news outlets encourage their readers to nominate local women who are doing good things in their local cities or communities, so the tag is not always just about beauty.
  • Still others use it for advocacy causes, to advance women in leadership positions in charitable organizations they support. People post photos of women and causes they admire, and often these have nothing to do with the way women look – it’s all about how they act.

Some also post pictures that don’t literally show women. These might include cartoons, objects, abstract images and all sorts of imagery designed to connote something feminine or related to females in some way.

Also, sometimes the tag is used ironically or in ways that are considered funny.

Thank us later


H/T: TheRealtimereport, Lifewire

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