A few months back, the rumour was rife that all was not well between two super actresses, Eniola Badmus and Funke Akindele. The general belief in town then was that both were no longer on speaking terms and that they had parted ways. What further fuelled the rumour was the absence of Funke at Eniola’s grand birthday party. But surprisingly, Funke Akindele showed up at Eniola Badmus movie premiere and she was not in a hurry to leave. She looked so relaxed.
What is really happening between the 2 of them. Last week, City People Publisher SEYE KEHINDE spoke to Eniola Badmus about it and she opened up on her age long relationship with Funke Akindele.
Your brand has grown phenomenally over the years, what is the secret?
As for the secret behind my brand growing phenomenally, I think first of all its God.
Also, I try to go by the trend. I am in touch with the younger people and what they are doing. I don’t insist on age, that I am older that the young ones. Age is nothing but a number. I don’t see the next person as a younger person to me. No. I don’t see myself as a different person from a younger person to me. Some of my colleagues don’t like mingling with the young.
I do. I mingle with the younger ones. I don’t like those junior to me, to address me as auntie. Just call me Eniola Badmus or Eniola. I don’t mind. That attitude has helped me. It has helped my brand.
I have learnt more by interacting with the young people. If you interaction with people who are not even up to you, trust me you will learn more and it will impact positively on your own career and brand. That is what has happened to my brand. I am in touch with current trends and I adapt to it. I always what to go by the trend also. Interaction is key also. Try and interact with your fans. Let them feel honoured as much as they make you feel honoured. Prayers and doing things for free all because of the brand. You have to create awareness. I give inspirational talks. Its taken a lot for me to build this brand.
You’ve been acting for how long now?
This is the 18th year. I started officially in year 2,000 and we are still here doing a lot. Glory be to God.
Could the success of your brand be because you have been constantly evolving?
Exactly. Evolving is key in any brand. You have to keep evolving. You have to keep in touch with those who are trending, watch what they are doing, try and be friends with them. Get more knowledge. Knowledge is key. Do more and be creative. Before you known it you will remain there.
What’s your relationship with Funke Akindele like? Many believe you are no longer friends. What happened to both of you?
Funke Akindele and I are still friends. We are sisters. Funke Akindele is one person. I love so dearly with my heart, because of who she is. Also, whether we like it or not, we can’t deny the fact that Jennifer blew a lot of us. She gave us that light. It helped a lot of us. We can’t forget the fact that it was Funke’s film that helped many of us.
At some point in a relationship, there will be ups and down. That is life. We can never have 100% relationship. There are some times you people will have misunderstanding atimes or disagree on some issues. Funke, whether good or bad, I can’t fight her. She remains my sister. Funke, whether good or bad, even if she’s fighting me, I can’t fight her, because I rate her so much. She’s up there. She’s big. She’s been a wonderful person to me. Whether we like it or not, her brand has actually affected my brand in a good way and I am happy with that fact. If we were fighting, she would not have come for my premiere. Funke Akindele coming for my premiere was like a huge surprise to a lot of people because people were saying a lot then. They said we are fighting. We are not together anymore.
This is the thing. There is no fight. Funke Akindele is a very busy person. She has a huge brand that she has to work on. I am also trying to build my own brand. It talks a lot to do that. I combine so many things to keep the brand going. So, everybody is trying to work on their brands.
At a point in time, 10 friends cannot continue to be friends. Not that you will fight. No. But you will all have to pursue different things at some point in time.
Whilst you are in Ibadan pursuing your career, another person might be in Ghana and another friend might be in Port Harcourt, another in Abuja. Yes you are all friends but your are all in different places pursuing different ideas and projects. We didn’t part ways. Funke and I didn’t quarrel. Funke and I didn’t fight. But at some point we just needed to work on our brands. She’s doing well. And Eniola Badmus too is doing well. It takes a lot to succeed with your brand and even after you succeed you still need to do more to sustain it.
Maybe if we didn’t have what we had at that time maybe I won’t be here now. Its not as if we fought. We didn’t fight, though there were some little side talks, or hear say.
How did you get her to attend your movie premiere? Did you go to meet her to invite her or you just sent an I.V to her, just like that?
Even before the premiere, Funke Akindele and I talk regularly. In a week, we talk like 3 times over the phone. She has been supportive of Ghetto Bred right from the start, so obviously when it was time for premiere, I had to invite her and she came with everybody. It was awesome.