Home News Tribute To Late Pa THOMAS AYINDE SOLOLA


by City People

•What His Kids & Family Members Said About Him

Pa  Thomas Ayinde Solola, 89 years, of  Abeokuta, Ogun State, Nigeria passed away on Saturday October 9, 2021. He worked with Federal Institute of Research, lbadan Oyo State, Nigeria for over 15 years and relocated to Abeokuta, Ogun State in the year 1986 after his retirement and went into full time farming.

In his spare time, he loved being outdoors, spending time with family members & friends. He was a kind and loving partner to his spouse our Mum, late Mrs Taiwo  Adesola Solola, as well as an amazing father to us his children and grand children. He was highly fashionable and super neat to a fault.

He was always there for us through our ups and downs, and taught us to enjoy every moment life has to offer.

Daddy’s favorite saying to us all was remember ‘the child of whom you are’ which has helped shaped us all and to the glory of God to become good people indeed. Another favorite saying of his was ‘be kind’, and this was exactly how he chose to live his life. Our Dad was a committed member of Holy Trinity Anglican Church Gbagura, Abeokuta, Ogun State and an active member of Anglican Youth Fellowship popularly known as AYF.

Dad was popularly known as Pa Sho and a very good friend to both old and young people. We’ll like to wrap up with the poem below: Not a Day Will Go By! – By: Kelly Roper, Not a minute, not an hour, Not a day will go by, We won’t think of you, dear Dad, And smile or sigh. You enriched our lives While you were here. Now we must learn to live Without you so near. Time may soften the blow, But your memory won’t fade. Not a day will go by We won’t wish you could have stayed.


Daddy mii, like I used to call you! seeing you on that fateful day you gave up the ghost brought so, many emotions, I was not ready to face. I cried hoping for a miracle but it was not meant to be.

Daddy mii, every moment I had with you is a memory. I thought we would have many more time together but that’s life. You loved your children and remember us invidually. You knew where we all were in our lives, you called every Sunday afternoon to ask about my well being my husband who is your friend and my children. I am most happy that you lived long enough to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

You really were an amazing father. Your memory will live long in our hearts. I love you. Rest in peace Adieu Daddy Mii

Your Daughter

Adebimpe Amodu


We’ll always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that ,arm embrace, you always gave us, you being there for us through good and bad times, no matter what. We’ll always remember you daddy because there will never be another one to replace you in our hearts. We will forever love you. Adieu my daddy. Continue to sleep in the bossom of your creator.

Femi Solola and family


I lived with you throughout my formative years, and you molded me into what I am today. Dad, you were meek, loving, and dependable. You were years ahead of your peers in discipline and training of your children. While others used cane, you counseled, listened to us and created a democratic atmosphere where we freely expressed our views with you (a rarity in those days). I will forever treasure the moments we had together and for always saying the truth in love. Rest well, till we meet again inthe bosom of the Lord …

Olubunmi Solola

Daddy Oh daddy M I!

Your demise is like a dream that I am yet to come to terms with the fact that you are really gone. Death is the debt we all owe which we are gonna pay one day. Your day of paying yours had come and gone but your memory shall lingers forever. I pray you find peace with your creator. Adieu my earthly father.


My Father, My Hero!

Dad, I feel so grateful to have had as much time with you as I did, you were a good and selfless father. I remember you today and the great memories we shared. You were one of a kind and my very GOOD FRIEND! There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of you and smile when I remember your jokes, I could call you at anytime and you always had a solution to my problem. Life will certainly be different without you, I am grateful I got to call you my dad! Dad to say I’ll mss you is an understatements. I love you now and always

Your Daughter,

Oluwatoyin Otolorin Ajayi

Tribute To Grandpa.

Grandpas are such incredible role models in life as it is through them that we get to learn and understand the qemle side of men. You will remain in our hearts forever grandpa since there will never be any other person who can’replace you in our hearts and souls and the great love we have for you. A heart trat is made of pure

gold has stopped beating, as one way of God, showing us that he is interested in only the best.

Rest in peace grandpa. Even if you are dead, you are not genuinely gone since your memories will live on in our hearts and minds because we loved you and we will never forget about you.

The Lord saw my grandpa getting tired, and there was no cure, and he did the best thing ever, whispering come to me and take a rest. Although we cannot see your smile or hear your voice, deep down our hearts, we know that your presence is here with us.



Thank you for always being there for us, Thank you for always telling us you loved us, Thank you for being a shoulder to lean on, Thank you for always giving us a reason to smile to your jokes, Thank you for showing us your care, Thank you for living a great life, Thank you fro always making us feel safe

Thank you for always having the most beautiful smile and hugs, Thank you for being an amazing fatherto our parents, Thank you for even at death, you boughtfamilies and generation together, Most of all, thank you for being a great grandpa who never stopped giving life great teaching anytime you see us. We love you now and forever

Your Grand Children: Lape, Ojuolape


Your love for me was special and part of my overall marital happiness. You poured your heart into my dearest husband; you told him how much I cared for you and how grateful you were to have me as your daughter in-law.

You told us to be strong and be of good courage. You said, “When it’s time to return home, it’s time”. I will miss your words of wisdom, senseofhumorand laughter.

As a father in-law and a fatherfigure, your absence left a deep wound in my heart. It is sad to feel that you are no more with us on earth, but your love and peaceful memories are still our guide.

Heaven needed an angel and the one picked was you. I just wished he could had waited so that you can stay with me some more but you left pleasant memories in my heart. I also wished I could rewind the clock or make it turn very slow so I could hug you one more time before you had to go. No matter how much time will pass, I will miss you every day because your legacies will forever remain in my life. Your endless love will continue to bind us together as a family.

One day, I believe we will’ rejoice with you when God calls us home.  Keep shining in heaven so you can light my ways as usual, Grandpa Thomas Ayinde Solola.

Your Daughter in -law,

Mary Omoyemi Solola.

(Iya Oluwatimilehin as you fondly call me)

Daddy! It was the Christmas of2002 that I visited and met you for the first time. I didn’t know what to expect on my arrival. However, it was like I was part of the family from that very moment. You welcomed me into the family with open arms. You gave me love, counsel and support. If you don’t hear from me in a while, you always call to check on us. Ifl call and you miss any of my calls, you will always return the call. Each time we spent together was a great moment of encouragement, laughs, counsel, stories and love. You shared so much with me lately about your life which I held on my left hand and kept in my heart. Those words means so much to me. Spent more time with you this year than any other year since knowing you. You treated like your very own with regard. You loved us all. Treated us equally.

You will surely be missed dad. Thank you for being an awesome father. Thank you for making me feel so

special. Till we meet again.

Papa-Sho. My Fatherin love. Love you always

I don’t know where to start ORE (Friend), as you used to call me. That word ORE was challenged by a woman on the day of your 70th birthday at -Abule Otun, Lafenwa. But you quickly answered her by saying

“Everybody is my ORE whether old or young” This showed your simplicity.

By the time EFAC was introduced into the Holy Trinity Church, Gbagura, you were one of the congregation that just embraced the spirit. You played a leading role tha cannot be forgotten. The EFAC used to go house to house and church to church for prayers, one day we went for 3 days retreat at St. John Church, Igbein, Abeokuta: you followed us. A woman also challenged you and said; “You Baba what are you doing with these youths?” You humbly said “I am a boy” since then, people were referring to you as a young boy.

You played with everybody like a boy, in the societies you belonged. At every meeting of AYF now ACF, even when you were about 85 years old, you liked to introduced yourself as the youngest boy till the last day of your life. You were the best cooperator of Ifesowapo cooperative multipurpose society. The society you continued to pray its survive till your last day.

I do miss your sincere, truthfulness and honest advice as you are looking at Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. The scripture says “To everything there is a season and a time of every purpose” (Ecc. 3:1). Continue to rest at the feet of Jesus Christ till we meet to part no more, Good Night.

Ven.A.O. Babalola

In-law like no other!! Life is interesting. Daddy made the most out of every minute I knew him. I don’t have the classic father-in-law stories. Pa Solola and I had a wonderful relationship since I met him. When my wife called to tell me of the terrible news, I was in a state of dilemma for hours, despite the factthat we knew death was coming. I was devastated that my best friend has gone. He calls me his ‘Akanbi’ first born.

Nothing I could use to describe the type of person my father in-law was, theres something about losing him that is permanent and inexpressible but I take solace in the fact that he ‘lived long to enjoy the fruits of his labour.

Daddy you truly left the world better than you fond it. Rest in peace. Pa Solola Love Always!

–Blackie Amodu


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