Home Dateline Ghana Do You Want To Win Your Husband Completely? These Are The 10 Things You Must Do!

Do You Want To Win Your Husband Completely? These Are The 10 Things You Must Do!

by Reporter

(1) Work on your outlook. Getting old as a wife is not an excuse for letting weight creep up and up, control your weight, exercise your body, eat right, men don’t really enjoy shapeless and fatty women. Do something fast, before they use figure 8 and cat walking to take your husband away from you. “Your navel is rounded goblet that never lacks blended wines. Your waist is a mound of wheat encircled by lilies. Your two breasts are like two fawns; twin of a gazelle” Things You Must Do To Yourself If You Want To Win Your Husband Completely

(Song of Solomon 7:2-3).

(2) Take good care of your lips. Lips come in different sizes and shapes; thin, pointing, thick, full, etc. you can easily neglect it, but that will be to your detriment. No man love to be with a woman with dry, stiff and downward a lip. Never neglect your lips; kept it be soft, relaxed and inviting. Things You Must Do To Yourself If You Want To Win Your Husband Completely

“Your lips are like scarlet ribbon, your mouth is lovely”. SOS. 4:3

“Your lips have been anointed with grace since God has blessed you forever.” (Psalm 45:2) Things You Must Do To Yourself If You Want To Win Your Husband Completely

(3) Beautify your teeth. Bad teeth can be a deal breaker, but clean and white teeth can bring joy unto the heart of your husband. Do not neglect your teeth. “Your teeth are like flock of a sheep coming from the washing each has a twin not one of them is alone. (Song of Solomon 6:6)

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(4) Take good care of your complexion. Take good care of your body so much that your complexion will come out glittering, you need not toning or bleaching your body either black or far; you are beautiful, just accept yourself and move forward. Black ladies should read this: “Do not stare at me because I am dark, because I am darkened by the sun….(Song of Solomon 1:6). Fair women should read this: Thou appear like the dawn far as the noon, bright as the sun, majestic as the star in procession. (Song of Solomon 6:10). No matter your complexion; accept and love it, we come in different shapes and flavours, be yourself.

(5) Beautify your skin. Your skin is the largest part of your body; don’t neglect it. Let the condition of your skin be wonderful and beautiful. No matter the colour of your skin; take good care of it.

(6) Take care of your hair. As a woman, you may not really know the impact good hair do have on your outlook and on your husband, let your husband see good hair on your head. “Your head crowns you like mount camel, your hair is like royal tapestry, THE KING (your husband) IS HELP CAPTIVE BY IT TREES. SOS 7:5

(7) Make your legs Beautiful. Take good care of your legs, no dry sole, heel or knee, let your leg be graceful. “How beautiful your sandaled feet, O prince’s daughter, your GRACEFUL LEGS are like JEWELS the work of a craftsman’s hands” (SOS 7:1). Either your legs are long or host, smooth or hairy, skinny or thick; take good care of it. Shave it smooth if your husband want it that way, majority the of men will prefer a lady with smooth legs to a lady with hairy one that makes her look like a man.

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(8) Learn Good Posture. Your stature, are like that of a palm (SOS. 7:7-8) When you stand; stand majestically. Your husband sees as a queen, when you stand as if sick, he may get tired of you.

(9) Practice Good Movement. Carry your feet smartly; don’t drag your legs, avoid walking like a dissected bicycle, walk like a queen. Don’t walks like a lion; no man will love to marry a man and don’t walk like an overloaded trailer, be smart, walk with grace.

(10) Dress beautifully. Dress neatly and beautifully. USE FASHION AS A BAIT OF ATTRACTION TO YOUR HUSBAND. Always remember that while “CLOTHES MAKE A MAN, IT SHOWCASE A WOMAN, when you dress beautifully you are addressing your husband. Always dress with your husband in mind, dress for him, grab his attention with the way you dress, never dress as if mourning.

Never dress to put him off, your house wears, nightgowns, outing wears, maternity wears, under wears, etc must all be writing APPLICATION LETTERS to your husband, speak to his emotion and passion the way you dress. Grow younger every day, package yourself, brand and re-brand yourself all for him.

Somebody said, “An attractive woman is made not born”. This is perfectly true; always remember that when you look good, you make him feel great and proud. Don’t forget that when you take care of your body you are taking care of your husband to win his love, care, and attention.

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