Home Tech Whoa, there’s a scary reason you should avoid charging your phone in public

Whoa, there’s a scary reason you should avoid charging your phone in public

by Daniji Emmanuel

According to CNN, this particular form of technological thievery is referred to as “juice jacking,” and basically works the same way as when you use a USB cord to download images from your phone to your computer. Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell if a public port has been hacked, so the best way to avoid exposing all of your pertinent info (including emails, text messages and contacts) is to stop charging your phones in public.

Or you could completely snap and destroy your cell phone because, srsly, how frustrating is this?!

 via giphy

So making sure your phone is fully charged before you leave the house is a huge hassle, and honestly feels like an impossible feat, but since there are selfies and Snapchats to be shared, going the extra step to protect yourself is totally worth it.

As CNN suggests, you could avoid running out of battery life by investing in a portable USB battery pack, a car charger, or by using cords that don’t contain wires that enable information transmission.

Or you could start saving some major coins for a lifetime supply of those jeans that charge your phone because the thought of being hacked from simply plugging your phone into a public port is downright frightening.

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