Welcome to your general health and well-being column…HEALTH- CHECK with Oluwabukunolami…
This week, we shall be discussing about the Garden egg….. Garden egg which is also known as Eggplant is mostly found around us in the market and everywhere but most people don’t recognise the health benefits that this plant possesses. The Garden egg, also known as Eggplant is a very good source of dietary fiber, potassium, manganese, copper and thiamin vitamin B1.
It is a good source of vitamin B6, folate, magnesium and niacin. Eggplant also contains phytonutrients such as nasunin and chlorogenic acid. Garden Eggs are one of the healthiest food you can eat.
Being a member of the vegetable family, it contains nutrients that include better carotene, vitamins B6 E and foliate, calcium, iron, magnesium fiber and many essential vitamins and minerals.
Garden egg come in two shades, the cream and green colour.
Here are some of the benefits of garden egg….
Nutritionists recommend it as a perfect food option for those interested in losing weight because of its high fiber content. It fills up the tummy quickly, and this subsequently reduces consumption of other food high calories . When it comes to weight loss, the green garden eggs is said to work better.
The fiber content in the eggplant also helps to lower cholesterol levels in the human body, protecting the heart.
It is a great dietary option for diabetic patients because of its ability to reduce glucose absorption in the body and lower blood sugar levels. Garden egg also possess low soluble carbohydrates, which assist in this regard.
It improves digestive system, beneficial for constipation and ruling out bloating totally.
The cream-colour flesh has a pleasantly bitter taste due to the presence of small amounts of nicotinoid alkaloids and spongy consistency for protection from poor vision due to glaucoma.
We don’t have enough time to explain how useful this plant is for pregnant women.
It is packed with vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients which make it an essential part of the daily ration of every pregnant woman. Given the fact that the baby is taking much of the useful nutrients for himself, women often suffer from the lack of individual components in their body. So, eating this plant can be an excellent solution to such situations.
The garden egg plant can be of much help to people who are prone to liver disorders. There are only a few other ways to treat them medically. So, considering how much it can affect your life, it is a good idea to increase garden egg consumption to prevent problems with liver functioning.
If you experience discomfort every time after you eat certain food, then increasing garden egg consumption could a way out of situation. It can prevent such issues and ensure proper functioning of your stomach.
Recent research has discovered that this vegetable can even help you relieve stress.
When eaten all the time, the garden egg can even prevent such conditions as headaches. By suppressing the blood pressure, it eliminates the risk of developing frequent headaches.
The vitamins in the plant protect the body from having cough and colds. That is why eating it can be really good during the cold season.
The vitamins and minerals in garden egg can significantly improve the general condition of one’s immune system.
In addition, eating foods containing certain flavonoids, including anthocyanins, may be associated with a lower risk of mortality from heart disease, according to a review published recently.
In another study, those who consumed more than three servings of fruits and vegetables per week containing anthocyanins had a 34-percent lower risk of heart disease than those who consumed less. Increased intake of anthocyanins was associated with significantly lower blood pressure.
Research has shown that when rabbits with high cholesterol consumed eggplant juice, this led to significantly lower weight and blood cholesterol levels. Chlorogenic acid has been shown to decrease low-density lipid levels. It also acts as an antimicrobial, antiviral, and anticarcinogenic agent.
Polyphenols in egg plant have been shown to have anti-cancer effects. Anthocyanins and chlorogenic acid protect cells from damage caused by free radicals and in turn prevent tumor growth and the invasion and spread of cancer cells. The anticancer action of anthocyanins appears to include preventing new blood vessels from forming in the tumor, reducing inflammation, and blocking the enzymes that help cancer cells to spread.
Findings from recent animal studies suggest that nasunin, an anthocyanin in the eggplant skin, is a powerful antioxidant that protects brain cell membranes from free radical damage.
It assists in the transport of nutrients into the cell and moving waste out.
Research has also shown that anthocyanins help prevent neuroinflammation and facilitate blood flow to the brain. This could help improve memory and prevent age-related mental disorders.
Research has suggested that the antioxidants in egg plant may help protect the liver from toxins. In totality, eating garden eggs reduces risk of obesity as it lowers weight….It contains potassiu…It increases energy….It aids healthy complexion…It supports heart health….Consuming garden egg juice helps to reduce blood cholesterol level…..Garden eggs have anti-cancer effects as it contains anti-oxidants that protect body cells….Garden egg skin has nasunin which is an anti-oxidant that protects brain cells…..It contains dietary fibre that helps digestion…..It is rich in calcium which strengthens the bones……It helps glaucoma because it lowers eye pressure……It gives early satisfaction and reduces over-eating…..It reduces the risk of hypertension.
Now I believe we all know the health benefits of garden egg…..
This is where we would be stopping this week. As we say good bye, remember we are gradually itching towards the end of the year …so why not make it a duty to stay healthy through, lifestyle changes, healthy living and eating .
Engage in exercises and don’t forget, discipline is the watch-word for a healthy life. Stay away from junk food , practice lifestyle changes, eat healthy, take lots of fruits, fibre, nuts and water while also ensuring that you sleep well. Life is Beautiful so live well, love life and enjoy it. Till I come your way again next week… I remain yours in good health, .. Oluwabukunolami. Like we always say, we would like to hear from you..you can send us mails through gregatt0305@gmail.com…you can also call , send sms or send whatsapp messages to 08121456771. You can find us on facebook..@ OLUWABUKUNOLAMI Healthcheck….. For your herbal products and consultation, please call 08023466780 or 07054964619