Home News Why GOD Doesn’t Answer Some Prayers – MFM Pastor, Dr. DANIEL OLUKOYA

Why GOD Doesn’t Answer Some Prayers – MFM Pastor, Dr. DANIEL OLUKOYA

by City People
Pastor Lekan Akinbo, Daniel Olukoya, MFM, New Auditorium, Port harcourt,

Last few, Mountain of Fire and Miracle Ministries General Overseer, Dr Daniel Olukoya in a church service reveals what every Christian must know about prayers and their relationship with God. According to him, he said: “I want you to listen very carefully because a lot of people do not understand what is going on in Christianity. A lot of people do not understand why we have so many churches and yet things are not changing.

So many people do not even understand what is going on in the nations. In Proverbs 14:34, we see the unchanging words of God making a proclamation. A nation is exalted through righteousness but sin becomes a reproach.

Everything is hinged on righteousness. The Bible says “mark the upright, for his end is peace. Mark also that of the wicked, for at the end of the day, he shall be cut off”.

The wicked can hardly sleep. They are afraid of the future. They are afraid of the environment because they have hurt so many people. All the things we are doing on earth, we may lose our records sometimes, but God keeps His records.

This is why you must listen very carefully and make up your mind. Do you really want to practice Christianity as put in the Bible or you want to practise religion? Jesus came to fight religion, He came to bring salvation.

Religious people come to church, carry Bible, sing, but those with Jesus in their hearts are saved. There is power in righteousness. The power of righteousness is strong enough to exalt a nation.

The power of unrighteousness is enough to pull down a nation. And the Bible says “evil men walk around when the vilest man is exalted”. So once a vile man is exalted, wicked men will be around.

We need to go back to traditional righteousness as put in scriptures. When we say being righteous, what do we mean? Let me explain to you in few words and then bring out certain facts for you, then you make up your mind on what you want to do.

When we say “righteous”, we mean:

– being one hundred percent obedient to God whether that obedience is convenient or not, you just obey God.

– you are doing the right thing. You know what is right and what is wrong and you decide to do the right thing.

The Bible says “I have been young and now am old and I have never seen the righteous forsaken or his children begging bread”. Meaning that if you are righteous, God can never forsake you, and your children can never beg for bread.

That is why I am praying for somebody here today that the enemy that is biting your righteousness, the enemy that is making you to leak, may that enemy die today in the name of Jesus. That power to be righteous, may that power come upon you now in the name of Jesus!

The prayers we pray at MFM without boasting or blowing too much trumpet are the most effective prayers on earth, but without being righteous, most of those prayers will just become empty breeze.

Wicked husbands, wicked wives, unfaithful husbands, unfaithful wives, thieves and all kinds of people coming to the house of God, dropping your wife at home, bringing strange woman to church and then you are praying “every power assigned to terminate my destiny, fall down and die!”

You should thank God that it did not first of all kill you because you are that “every power”. You are the one detaining yourself. “Let God arise and let His enemies be scattered!” God will say “ if I arise now, the first enemy to scatter is this man praying” because you are the one battling against yourself by not being righteous.

I am praying for anybody here this morning, you are the one waging war against yourself, you are the one hiring a lawyer against yourself, you are the one buying weapons to fight yourself hard, you are the one feeding your enemy to fight you hard, receive your deliverance this morning in the name of Jesus!

Being righteous: • Following the ways of God. God put His way down. The way may be very rough but you follow the way of God. The way is rough, unfriendly, but as far as this is the way of God, you follow it • Standing up for the right thing even if it involves suffering and persecution. The result is not comfortable for you, even though you are standing up for it. It is better to tell lies and to escape but you stand for that truth. That sums it up • Our flesh must die • Is crude, uncivilised honesty. Plenty of believers lie easily whereas the Bible says if you are telling lies, you are like your father who is the father of lies; the devil • Is morally clean. You are not the kind of man who will sleep with his secretary, tea girl, or house girl or you are not the kind of person who just takes bribe. I want you to understand this very well. Being morally clean will bring you persecution, hatred and it is a very serious matter • Is having a right standing with God • Is being innocent and faithful to God • Is having integrity. By integrity, we mean your yes is your yes, your no is your no • Is purity of life •



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