•For This CORONAVIRUS Crisis Period
It is no more news that the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic otherwise known as Coronavirus is still on rampage. And as part of attempts to limit its spread, Government instituted lock-down measures and banned public gatherings especially in Lagos, Africa’s largest city with 21 million people, a city that is defined by non-stop activity and a hustle and bustle spirit that perennially draws thousands of Nigerians from other states to Lagos in search of better economic opportunities, a city of ingenuity and chutzpah which most people need to be able to survive in an overwhelmed urban system. A city that is often defined by lawlessness as people seek solutions to their daily life.
First, the state government asked schools to shut down and it banned public gatherings of more than 50 people, particularly religious congregations. Though, many churches complied with the law, while many didn’t. These issues also affected Lagos’ vast Muslim population (Nigeria has the fifth largest Muslim population globally) when it comes to attending large mosques for weekly prayer services on Friday.
Lagos, no doubt, is a home to some of the country’s most well-attended mega-churches with hundreds of branches that welcome millions in congregation every Sunday. And one of the Churches making waves all over the world with his Headquarter at Omole Lagos, and several prayer centers in Nigeria and outside Nigeria is Christ livingSpring Apostolic Ministry otherwise called CLAM.
Pastor Wole Oladiyun- the Senior Pastor of the reputable Ministry, CLAM surprised everyone on Sunday during its online service when he declared that all his members should not bother to pay tithe or offering for now, in his word “ No tithe, No offering.
Go and use the money to buy food at home and eat”. When asked why he took that decision, as it is very rare to see a man of God that will put payment of tithe abeyance, this genuine man of God said “Because nobody knows when Covid-19 will be over.
So, I encourage everyone to use their offering; use your tithe to buy food in your houses so that your household can eat. This is the time to show kindness to humanity. It is not time for tithe and offering at all. By the grace of God on the mountain of CLAM, If you need help by any critical condition, there is no food in your house, you want counseling on any issue, we have help lines.
By the grace of God, we have been given to people home and abroad in the last few days and we are still giving more. We have prepared ready things that will help people. We have prepared food. We have set some money apart to give people who are in need so that they can feed their families.
So, we are ready. Also if you need medical help, by the grace of God, God has blessed CLAM with world-class Soteria Maternity and Hospital. Our Hospital workers are there 24/7. We will arrange to bring you there, we have our standby Ambulance and give you treatment so that you can live and survive, and that’s our contribution to the body of Christ.
May the Lord bless you. Make sure you sleep very well, drink plenty water. Observe your basic hygiene. Please maintain save distance from one another and get in touch with your family members all over the world. Check on them; let them feel your presence, show love to them.Call us any time you are in critical need whether you are a Christian or Muslim or atheist, we would give you food and everything you need”.
Pastor Wole Oladiyun has been a tremendous blessing to the world at this pandemic season. He’s been seen on several occasions praying; singing and encouraging people not to entertain fear whatsoever. Many even said his smiles when praying for people online was enough to drive away any fear.
Recall that, Pastor Wole Oladiyun is the Senior Pastor of the Christ LivingSpring Apostolic Ministry (CLAM) and a man called by God to be an evangelist with a strong apostolic and prophetic grace. He is a man with a consuming passion for prayer and soul winning through village and city-wide crusades with which he diligently serves his God under the umbrella of CLAM Global Outreach (CLAMGO), the soul-winning and evangelistic arm of his ministry.
He also presides over the Ministers’ Apostolic Fire Convocation (MAFCO), an annual 3-day apostolic retreat forum for Christian leaders to be revived with the “Upper Room” unction.
Born and raised in the Christ Apostolic Church (C.A.C) founded by the late Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, there he was imparted early in life with the raw power of the Holy Spirit. It was there, too, that the seed of Heaven was sown for the old-time prayer, evangelistic and deliverance ministry that CLAM is renowned for today.
His ministerial training was mixed and varied—beginning at the Latter Rain Bible School, and then at the Deeper Christian Life Bible School and the Victory Christian Church—all in Lagos. He held his first leadership position at the Faith Family Bible Church, Lagos, where he was appointed Assistant Pastor to Rev. (Dr.) D. K. Aboderin, the man he fondly calls “My Daddy in the Lord.”
He is a hardworking man with a simple, focused and endearing disposition to life and the ministry. As a man brought up in the fear of God and steeped in enduring Christian principles and values, Pastor Oladiyun immensely treasures mentoring and coaching. Thus, he is quick to readily acknowledge the enduring positive influences his mentors have had on his life: Bishop David Oyedepo, Dr. D. K. Olukoya, Rev (Dr.) D. K. Aboderin, the late Bishop Harford Iloputaife and his wife Pastor Nkechi, and Pastor Matthew Ashimolowo.
He is the author of over forty life-changing, destiny-transforming books. A 1984 graduate of Building/Civil Engineering from the then University of Ife (now Obafemi Awolowo University), Ile-Ife, Nigeria, he also holds an MBA from the Business School of the Netherlands.
Before going into full-time ministry, he distinguished himself as a brilliant building/civil engineer and successful business man. He rose to the position of chief engineer at an indigenous engineering firm. He was also an active member of the Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International.
A true family man, he is married to Pastor Bukola Oladiyun (nee Olubakinde), who is the Director of Family Life in the ministry, and they are blessed with four prophetic children. Pastor Oladiyun loves Philanthropy, reading, music, playing the drums, lawn tennis and driving. He resides in Lagos, Nigeria.