•To Rent GOLD For Parties
Wearing gold jewelleries to events and parties has been in vogue for decades and it has remained one fashion trend that many ladies will continue to embrace.
The jewellery is often viewed as a fashion accessory for completing an outfit for many. A look is never complete until the right accessories are added.
Jewellery has played an important role in human life for thousands of years. Different pieces were worn to symbolise different messages such as elegance, prosperity, and others.
Many women like to wear jewellery as a symbol of feminity or to showcase social status.
Attending special occasions such as weddings, different parties and events without wearing jewellery is not an option for many women, most especially celebs. They will feel under-dressed without some pieces of jewellery to adorn themselves.
Many women say owning gold jewelleries is an investment. A good jewellery collection can be a great security fund. Take for example diamonds, which have been sought after for centuries, and are always in high demand, regardless of the situation of the economy. Jewellery with high content will always have a high value.
Jewellery has the ability to bring out the best in woman’s feature and personality when the right piece is worn by the right person to the right occasion. It makes them feel beautiful, stylish, and confident and most importantly, makes women feel good about themselves.
Gold jewelleries have remained one very important piece that many big babes can not do without, most especially, when they are stepping out for parties. Most often, these big babes use their jewelleries to oppress each other at parties, and this explains why many of them would go to any length to step out for parties with a very expensive and not so common piece, just to outshine each other at parties. Above all, repeating a particular expensive gold jewellery to different parties is one big mistake many of them can not afford, considering the lifestyle they already portray to their friends, well wishers, and other celebs they are competing with. Because of the situation of the economy and how expensive these jewelleries are, most of them now resort to renting or borrowing from trusted Abokis whom they have built a good relationship with for years. Besides paying very high for renting, and also considering the value of the gold in question, these Abokis also consider necessary factors and years of relationship before giving out their gold ornaments. Most times, there’s a third party who stands as a guarantor in case anything goes wrong. In most cases, the guarantor is someone who is highly respected and has a name to protect in the society.

An Aboki also revealed that 60 percent of their customers, who have been patronising them for years, are still the ones that come back to rent from them.
So, they already have a very cordial relationship with their clients and due to this, the risk attached to the business is very little.
It was also revealed that these big babes now prefer to rent than buying, as it is used to be few years back, due to the following reasons.
The value of gold remains relatively stable unlike that of cash which fluctuates depending on economic factors. Jewellery with high gold content will always have value. Take for instance, the current global economic crisis is not having an impact on gold prices, which continues to increase.
The situation of the economy has affected basically all aspects of life.
Economy hardship is affecting everybody, so people lately spend money on order of priorities now. A lot of people don’t have excess to spend on miscellaneous needs, as it used to be few years back, and gold doen’t come cheap.
The dollar to naira rate has not helped the situation at all. Naira keeps falling drastically, and this makes gold jewelleries more expensive.
The increase in the dollar exchange rate today also affects the rate of gold per gram. And for a big babe whose intention is to outshine or ‘pepper’ her contemporaries when they step out for parties, she definitely needs to appear in jewelleries that are not common and definitely expensive and is one of its kind.
She needs to cough out several millions of naira to achieve this.
Most of these big babes don’t like repeating jewelleries to parties, and they attend Lagos Owambe (parties) back-to-back. In order to keep the standard and lifestyle they are portraying, they need to keep up the momentum, because a lot of people are watching, and they need to keep their reputation.
It is no more news, that a lot of these babes maintain unhealthy competition with others in the society.
And, in order to remain at the top, they need to keep upgrading their lifestyle. They are known for stepping into parties in grandstyle. Some people even tag them “life of the party”. This is a position, they worked so hard to attain, and it is necessary to maintain it.
Let’s not forget that most of these babes have cliques of friends that they often storm parties together with, and they can’t afford storming parties with their friends looking terrible, when a lot of people are already waiting to see what they will be wearing and which latest gold sets they will be wearing to the party.
It has become a lifestyle they need to keep and maintain. And, in order to remain in the limelight, they need to always be up to date and keep up with the trends. Different designs of gold always trend or are in vogue, and these ladies will do anything, just for their admirers and competitors to see them first in every newly designed jewellery in vogue.
A lot of them now rush to Tejuosho market to rent their jewellery. Once they visit, they go to their customer’s shops, as if they want to buy gold as usual and do their business codedly, without anyone suspecting anything.