The Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries (MFM) is a pentecostal denomination, founded by Pastor Daniel Kolawole Olukoya (“DKO)
Unlike a few popular charismatic and pentecostal African initiated ministries promoting Prosperity gospel, MFM’s leadership and its sub-ministry, Battle Cry Ministries, place emphasis on Deliverance and prayers against demonic forces. It teaches members how to deal with ancestral spirits and the existence of hidden evil and spiritual forces against progress toward the fulfilment of one’s “destiny”, resulting in a theology that promotes practices dominated by prayer points to free individuals from those hidden bondage.
Last week during service Dr. Olukoya gave reasons why many people fail to accomplish their mission in life.
He started his sermon from the book of Jeremiah 1: 5, which says : Before I formed there in the belly I knew there; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
In summary of the above statement, this is what is known as destiny. Even when you have not been born, and your parents have not yet met, but there’s an ordination about your life. That’s what they call destiny. That your destiny is what God has ordained in His mind that you will become when you come to the earth. That your destiny is actually the reason why you were born. But there can be no blessing for a fish who decides to stay on a tree and there can be no blessing for a monkey who decided to start living in the water. That’s not what they were made for. What a tragedy it will be when God says Thou shall be a farmer but now you are teaching. God said, thou shall be a pilot but now you are a Tailor. It is a tragedy. The tragedy is that, immediately you begin to do what heaven didn’t ask you to do, then you begin to lose it. Sometimes when we talk about destiny people dont understand. Jesus said the son of man goeth as it’s written of him. What they wrote about him is what he’s doing. Meaning that a human being can go as it’s not written of him. So if you are going as it’s not written of you, then the devil has a right to mess you up because you are in the wrong place. You are doing the wrong business and you are not getting younger; you are getting older.
Destiny! It’s a very serious matter. A very serious matter. No man can succeed outside his divine destiny. Therefore, your greatest enemy on the earth is any power, personality, force, environment, spirit, strong man that does not want you to fulfil your destiny. He’s your greatest enemy. Once their battle is against your destiny, he’s your greatest enemy. So you can now see why God is interested in the issue of destiny and the enemy is also very interested. Once they (devil) can cajole a man or woman out of their divine destiny, the enemy would just be attacking you anyhow because you aren’t there where God is sending your blessing to. You have relocated where the blessings aren’t going. And this is a serious problem. That is the value of destiny.
There are altar whose assignment is to assassinate destinies, that create destiny obituaries. We would examine them one by one. If you know the one that’s harassing your destiny, you can deal with it straightforward.
The first altar of destiny assassination is lack of spirituality. That means you aren’t a spiritual person. You have refused to be spiritual. You refused to be born again. You refused to be sanctified. You refused to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. You refused to be moved in the thing of the spirit. You aren’t spiritual and destiny is a spiritual thing. Spirituality is no longer a luxury, it’s necessity. You need to be spiritual now. There’s too much evil around us. There is so much power of darkness around us. There are so many human beings who aren’t human beings. This are many unfriendly friends. These is the first altar of destiny assassination.
Another altar of destiny assassination is spiritual ignorance. Bible says, my people perish because they lack knowledge. Jesus said you shall know the truth and the truth you know shall set you free. You need to know something. Ignorance is a disaster, voluntary misfortune. Fear is a product of ignorance. Ignorance has destroyed and it’s destroying and it will continue to destroy. Ignorance is a big problem and our major problem sometimes, is our ignorance.
If you are spiritual ignorance you can marry the wrong person and do many wrong things but the ignorance is not an excuse.
The altar of your root is another reason. Romans 11 vs 16: for if the first fruit be holy, the lump is also holy; and if the root be holy so are the branches. And if the root is unholy so are the branches. So the root is the important part of a plant. It’s that root that anchors the plant to the ground. It’s that root that supplies nutrients to the plant. If the root of a plant has a problem, you will see it immediately on the whole plant that there’s a problem. The root includes the foundation of your life. The root includes that on which you build your foundation. The root is the platform prepared for you by your ancestors. Gehazi prepared the root of leprosy for his children. So even if those children have fine destinies leprosy would deal with them because only a few places a leprosy man or woman can enter. So that root is what your life is based upon. It can be beneficial. It can be environmental. It can be inheritance. For unto every spiritual assassination there is a solution by giving your life to Jesus. Even the root we just spoke about, you can rise above them. You dont have to die in a manger because you are born in a manger. Jesus was born in a manger but that doesn’t convert him to a goat or a sheep.
The 4th one is the altar of sexual perversion. Corinthians 3vs 16: Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and the Spirit of God dwelleh in you. If any man defiles the temple of God, he shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are? For any sexual perversion, you do defiles the temple of God. Reuben’s destiny was rubbished because of sex, immorality. One minute enjoyment and eternity of suffering. 8 minutes of enjoyment and you lose your destiny. Let me tell you a secret: if the domestic witchcrafts are after you or the enemy wants to finish you and your destiny, if they can just succeed in pushing you into sexual sin, that’s the end. Many people lives have been destroyed because of this. Two organs in the body have destroyed men beyond repair. And both organs are muscles. The first is the tongue while the second is the penis. Once you commit fornication, it’s God himself that would supervise your punishment. Of all the sins we commit the Bible would say resist or fight but when it got to this particular sin, it didn’t say resist or fight. The Bible says flee! If Samson had fled, the story written about him today would be completely different. You shouldn’t go to situations where you would be struggling to come out. Proverbs 22: 14. The mouth of a strange woman is a deep pit; he that is abhorred of the Lord shall fall therein.
These are things that have destroyed many destinies.