Home Opinion Yesterday, today and forever by the chiefs grandaughter

Yesterday, today and forever by the chiefs grandaughter

by Funke

Today I revealed a huge part of my family life to a special Aunt and am thinking this is an aspect that people will desire to know about the sage. Often even as far as prep School, friends and even foes will ask about Pa Awolowo if he was really as human as everyone. This I found strange and occasionally I will really stare to see if there was anything extra that was not so visible. Then this day, after a friend approached me and candidly expressed her feelings and curiosity, the time was rife , which actually led me to promise to tell her as much as possible. In my own opinion he was intelligent, disciplined and totally committed to his profession and politics . With much prodding after school, that was Methodist girls high school .

The question popped up , my cousins and brother were surprised when I asked what he thought about extra terrestrial realities and other realms . My Grandad has this peculiar laugh, he was going into his room from the office but stopped to explain. We were doing homework and in no uncertain terms he told us that anything that was not scientific in explanation was to be discarded. My curious mind was indignant , for me there was a lot more he was not saying. In conclusion we were advised to concentrate on our studies and that was enough to shut me up .

Fast forward from age thirteen the to age twenty , the family was virtually experiencing so much intrigues. Papa being a family man took it upon himself to urgently intervene and Inspire oneness so he called us all for a meeting. This meeting cut across all ages , my Aunts and uncle and the grandchildren. Naturally women tend to go after trivialities and a lot of bickering here and there , my Grandad wanted to nip things in the bud to discourage escalation or deterioration in our relationships, so this was a peace keeping meeting.

Over the years, Papa never broke protocol, which meant the first generation and what transpired in terns of information never encroached on the next generation. So this meeting was unprecedented, and the question I asked almost seven years ago was answered as he alluded to being a form of mystic a gift behoved to him by the Divine force of the creator. My heart leaped , he mentioned the rosicrucian, the metaphysics. Then went on to talk about Karma , for him it was important not to try to destroy or malign others as mostly even when it appears that that person has no defence, be it parental or otherwise, there awaits now or the future a repayment mechanism for all that we do be it good or otherwise. In his gifting and revelation he felt a need to correct the dysfunctions so as to prevent the repercussions that will follow certain malicious issues.

The whole place was silent, trepidation and introspection was prevalent. Seriously no one was totally vindicated, we must be united in love was his emphasis, this was concluded by prayers by my uncle’s wife who prayed so powerfully as Mama led us in the grace .

In all with utmost clarity, truly it was time to repent , retract the warped trajectory as we all simply resolve to go back to our first love , this to me was the Jacobian blessing as the father of Israel spoke over the twelve tribes of Israel the conclusion and continuum , for my family in this wise was set in motion . In time , today , all I am allowed to say is for us all never to ignore the words of our elders and echoes of wisdom. Love and oneness must be intentional and deliberate to ensure needful connectivity for enhancement and promotion of values . Papa played his part as he made the necessary impact in the home front and externally enabling and embarking on that wholesomeness set up for eternity.

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